Hakuna《Hakuna Matata》C调尤克里里谱

Hakuna MatataJ,代表着向爱的热潮表达了向爱的执着,就算是在逆境中相爱也依旧愿意付出,因为你相信明天会到来,就算是在绝望中重新出发,也仍然会用最真挚的心愿相信你的期许。在爱情里的不断努力,期待着明天的每一刻,我们都会为此为此而快乐。尤克里里弹唱谱,选用,调,节奏4/4拍,速度135BPM,弹唱难度初级简单。,歌词欣赏:Some say its just a waste of time,But they dont re

Hakuna《Hakuna Matata》C调尤克里里谱 相关欣赏
What a wonderful phrase,Hakuna Matata,Aint no passin craze,It means "no worries" ,For the rest of your days,Its our problem-free,Philosophy,Hakuna Matata ,.,. .,. . . Matata,Hakuna Matata, I hope we have conveyed,Dont have to fuss,Youre out of the sun,Its much cooler in the shade,Some say its just a waste of time,But they dont realize,That bill is nothin but a crime,We all teach us well and right,Hakuna Matata,What a wonderful phrase,Hakuna Matata,Aint no passin craze,It means "no worries" ,For the rest of your days,Its our problem-free,Philosophy,Hakuna Matata ,Hakuna Matata,What a wonderful phrase,Hakuna Matata,Aint no passin craze,It means "no worries" ,For the rest of your days,Its our problem-free,Philosophy,Hakuna Matata ,What a wonderful phrase,Hakuna Matata,Aint no passin craze,It means "no worries" ,For the rest of your days,Its our problem-free , 编辑于2004/07/13更新,
本文标题:Hakuna《Hakuna Matata》C调尤克里里谱 网址:https://www.265e.com/ukulele/394.html
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