emilia《Big Big World》C调尤克里里谱

《Big Big World》是一首动人的歌曲,它描绘了一个人在青春岁月之后的生活经历。这个角色现在自称为“小丑”,经历了很多困难后最终成为了主角。在分手时,那些都不是真正的“小丑”,即使是演唱者,也不会流泪,毕竟他已经成为了一个戏子。电影并不一定感人,但在最需要有人陪伴的时候,即使是演唱者也会坚强面对。多年来,他已经很久没有看过这部电影了。听说《香港战争》这首歌非常动听,听了会让人心生感慨,快来学习吧!学会之后,你可以展示你的才华,吸引更多的异性注意!

emilia《Big Big World》C调尤克里里谱 相关欣赏
I'm a big big girl ,in a big big world ,It's not a big big thing if you leave me ,but I do do feel that ,I too too will miss you much ,miss you . ,I can see the first leaf falling ,it's all yellow and nice ,It's so very cold outside ,like the way I'm feeling inside ,I'm a big big girl ,in a big big world ,It's not a big big thing if you leave me ,but I do do feel that ,I too too will miss you much ,miss you . ,Outside it's now raining ,and tears are falling from my eyes ,why did it have to happen ,why did it all have to end ,I'm a big big girl ,in a big big world ,It's not a big big thing if you leave me ,but I do do feel that ,I too too will miss you much ,miss you . ,I have your arms around me ooooh like fire ,but when I open my eyes ,you're . ,I'm a big big girl ,in a big big world ,It's not a big big thing if you leave me ,but I do do feel that ,I too too will miss you much ,miss you . ,I'm a big big girl ,in a big big world ,It's not a big big thing if you leave me ,but I do feel I will miss you much ,miss you .
本文标题:emilia《Big Big World》C调尤克里里谱 网址:https://www.265e.com/ukulele/4934.html
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