Joy《Joy to the world》尤克里里谱

Joy to the world,这首歌由音乐带领的钢琴伴奏加上动听的尤克里里伴奏,越到最后到能够弹奏起轻盈悦耳的旋律,带给人温暖治愈的力量,然后讲述这个故事。就在这首歌曲里面,演唱者娓娓道来,让人身临其境,感同身受,也让听众为之着迷。,歌词欣赏:While fields and streams and hills and plains,Repeat the

Joy《Joy to the world》尤克里里谱 相关欣赏
Joy to the World - Libera/Robert Prizeman,Joy to the world the Lord has come,Let earth receive her King,Joy to the world the Lord has come,Let earth receive her King,Let every heart prepare him room,And heaven and nature sing,And heaven and nature sing,And heaven heaven and nature sing,Joy to the earth the Saviour reigns,Your sweetest songs employ,While fields and streams and hills and plains,Repeat the sounding joy,Repeat the sounding joy,Repeat repeat the sounding joy,He rules the world with truth and grace,And makes the nations prove,The glories of his righteousness,And wonders of his love,And wonders of his love,And wonders wonders of his love,Joy to the world the Lord has come,Let earth receive her King,Let every heart prepare him room,And heaven and nature sing,And heaven and nature sing,And heaven heaven and nature sing,Joy to the world,Joy to the world,Repeat the sounding joy
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