Gala《Young For You》C调尤克里里谱
Young For You,,这首歌曲的歌词已经被流传了十几年了,整首歌的旋律风格就像一部真正的插曲,而歌词更像是一首激情澎湃的电影,相信在这首歌曲之中,我们会有听到观众们和对于剧情的思考,或者在其中,我们可以感受到一种大无畏的精神。重要提示:吃饭吧,别忘了喂你的狗粮,别忘了回来喝水,别忘了出去买一把剑。,歌词欣赏:I know you have no blame for my proud moonish h
Gala《Young For You》C调尤克里里谱 相关欣赏
Sunday's coming I wanna drive my car,to your apartment with a present like a star,Forecaster said the weather may be rainy hard,but I know the sun will shine for us,Oh lazy seagull fly me from the dark,I dress my jeans and feed my monkey banana,then I think my age how old,skyline how far,or we need each other in california,You show me your body before night comes down,I touch your face and promise to stay ever young,On this ivory beach we kissed so long,It seems that the passion's never gone,You sing me your melody and I feel so pleased,I want you to want me to keep your dream,Together we'll run wild by a summer symphony,This is what we enjoyed not a fantasy,The tin-man's surfing I wanna try my luck,to the top of tide rip like just have some drugs,I know you have no blame for my proud moonish heart,Welcome to the golden beatnik park,Oh diamond seashore drag me from the yard,Incredible sunward I watch as you're in photograph,for camera your smile's so sweet,palm trees' so lush,Would you believe my honey, it's California. ,you show me your body before night comes down,I touch your face and promise to stay ever young,On this ivory beach we kissed so long,It seems that the passion's never gone,You sing me your melody and I feel so pleased,I want you to want me to keep your dream,Together we'll run wild by a summer symphony,This is what we enjoyed not a fantasy .
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