Taylor Swift《Last Christmas》C调吉他谱
"Last Christmas"是一首由George Michael于1984年在Wham!乐队时期创作的歌曲。这首歌已成为每年圣诞节期间街头店铺和各大电台必播的节日歌曲。超过两百位不同曲风和国籍的艺人翻唱了这首经典曲目。以下是Taylor Swift和Wham!两个版本的翻唱作品。这首歌以其动人的旋律和温馨的歌词,在节日季节中唤起人们无尽的回忆和温暖的感觉。无论你喜欢哪个版本,这首歌都将为你带来欢乐和节日的氛围。让我们一起享受这首经典的圣诞歌曲,共同庆祝这美好的时刻。
Taylor Swift《Last Christmas》C调吉他谱 相关欣赏
Taylor Swift - Last Christmas,Last Christmas I gave you my heart,But the very next day you gave it away,This year to save me from tears,I’ll give it to someone special,Once bitten and twice shy,I keep my distance,But you still catch my eyes,Tell me baby, do you recognize me,Well it’s been a year,It doesn’t surprise me,Merry Christmas,I wrapped it up and sent it,With a note saying I love you I meant it,Now I know what a fool Ive been,But if u kiss me now,I know youll fool me again,Last Christmas I gave you my heart,But the very next day you gave it away,This year to save me from tears,I’ll give it to someone special,Last Christmas I gave you my heart,But the very next day you gave it away,This year to save me from tears,I’ll give it to someone special,A crowded room,Friends with tired eyes,I’m hidding from you and your soul vival,My god i thought you were Someone to rely on Me,I guess I was a shoulder to cry on,A face on a lover with a fire in his heart,A gril under cover but you tore her apart,Maybe next year, Maybe next year,,I’ll give it to someone special,Cause Last Christmas I gave you my heart,But the very next day you gave it away,This year to save me from tears,I’ll give it to someone special,Last Christmas I gave you my heart,But the very next day you gave it away,This year to save me from tears,I’ll give it to someone special,And last Christmas,And this year,It wont be anything like, anything like,Last Christmas I gave you my heart,But the very next day you gave it away,This year to save me from tears,I’ll give it to someone special , 编辑于2007/10/14更新,
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