Taylor Swift《Love Story》C调吉他谱
Love Story_,最近新歌在抖音上爆火,这首歌火爆之后更添韵味,并且吉他弹唱谱,谱例,编配,变调夹夹一品为C调指法,标准调音无需使用变调夹。曲谱来源于网络转载,网站上传。整理分享。为什么这首_突然爆红,这段旋律真是火遍了大江南北,让人不禁为那些到现场打拼的歌迷们感动。,歌词欣赏:This love is difficult, but it’s real.,Don’t
Taylor Swift《Love Story》C调吉他谱 相关欣赏
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns.,See you make your way through the crowd,and say hello;,Little did I know,That you were Romeo; you were throwing pebbles,,And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet.",And I was crying on the staircase,,begging you, ’Please, don’t go.’,And I said,,"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.,I’ll be waiting; all there’s left to do is run.,You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess,It’s a love story - baby just say ’Yes.’,So I sneak out to the garden to see you.,We keep quiet ’cause we’re dead if they knew.,So close your eyes; escape this town for a little while.,’Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter,,And my daddy said "Stay away from Juliet,",But you were everything to me; I was begging you, ’Please, don’t go,’,And I said,,Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.,I’ll be waiting; all there’s left to do is run.,You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess,It’s a love story - baby just say ’Yes.’,Romeo save me; they’re tryin’ to tell me how to feel.,This love is difficult, but it’s real.,Don’t be afraid; we’ll make it out of this mess.,It’s a love story - baby just say ’Yes.’,I got tired of waiting,,Wondering if you were ever comin’ around.,My faith in you was fading,When I met you on the outskirts of town.,And I said,,Romeo save me - I’ve been feeling so alone.,I keep waiting for you but you never come.,Is this in my head? I don’t know what to think-,He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said,,Marry me, Juliet. you’ll never have to be alone.,I love you and that’s all I really know.,I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress;,It’s a love story - baby just say ’Yes.’,Oh, oh.,We were both young when I first saw .,END
本文标题:Taylor Swift《Love Story》C调吉他谱 网址:https://www.265e.com/tab/5151.html
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