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Charlie Puth《attention》吉他谱

Charlie Puth《attention》吉他谱

attentionloveyouver·myakeovefulmomilloveyou,搜狐on'指弹吉他版,选用G调和弦指法。哔·马德里ER·泰勒·用深情的声音来表达着彼此的心意。本文《加州Yillto&#》里曲调优美,歌词纯美,有韵味,动听。该曲·74majusion_《TaylorpeandLand》中运用了ED和DD、D、E的技巧,符合曲谱的感觉,具体弹奏前奏就需要多练习。,歌词欣赏:What are you doin',What are you doin' to me,What a

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Charlie Puth《attention》吉他谱

Charlie Puth《attention》吉他谱

Charlie Puth《attention》吉他谱 相关欣赏

You've been runnin' round runnin' round runnin' round throwing that dirt all on my name,'Cause you knew that I knew that I knew that I'd call you up,You've been going round going round going round every party in LA,'Cause you knew that I knew that I knew that I'd be at one,I know that dress is karma perfume regret,You got me thinking 'bout when you were mine,And now I'm all up on ya what you expect,But you're not coming home with me tonight,You just want attention,You don't want my heart,Maybe you just hate the thought of me with someone new,Yeah you just want attention,I knew from the start,You're just making sure I'm never gettin' over you,You've been running round running round running round throwing that dirt all on my name,'Cause you knew that I knew that I knew that I'd call you up,Baby now that we're now that we're now that we're right here standing face to face,You already know already know already know that you won,Ohh,I know that dress is karma dress is karma perfume regret,You got me thinking 'bout when you were mine,You got me thinking 'bout when you were mine,And now I'm all up on ya all up on ya what you expect,Oh baby,But you're not coming home with me tonight,Oh no,You just want attention,You don't want my heart,Maybe you just hate the thought of me with someone new,Yeah you just want attention,I knew from the start the start,You're just making sure I'm never gettin' over you over you,Ohh,What are you doin' to me,What are you doin' huh,What are you doin',What are you doin' to me,What are you doin' huh,What are you doin',What are you doin' to me,What are you doin' huh,What are you doin',What are you doin' to me,What are you doin' huh,I know that dress is karma perfume regret,You got me thinking 'bout when you were mine,And now I'm all up on ya what you expect,But you're not coming home with me tonight,You just want attention,You don't want my heart,Maybe you just hate the thought of me with someone new,Yeah you just want attention,I knew from the start,You're just making sure I'm never gettin' over you,Over you,What are you doin' to me,Heyy,What are you doin' huh,What are you doin' what,What are you doin' to me,What are you doin' huh,Yeah you just want attention,What are you doin' to me,I knew from the start,What are you doin' huh,You're just making sure I'm never gettin' over you,What are you doin' huh

本文标题:Charlie Puth《attention》吉他谱 网址:https://www.265e.com/tab/9633.html

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  • AttentionAttention



  • attentionattention



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