容祖儿《proud of you》G调吉他谱
proud of youspeakYoueMornornever/win Roandever·ient asissCap,本谱,弹唱建议变调夹5品,也可以根据个人嗓音找到一个舒服的位置,难度一般。喜欢的朋友可以试弹一下,多练习几次。,歌词欣赏:Teaching me to love with heart,Hel
容祖儿《proud of you》G调吉他谱 相关欣赏
Love in your eyes,Sitting silent by my side,Going on,Holding hand,Walking through the nights,Hold me up,Hold me tight,Lift me up to touch the sky,Teaching me to love with heart,Helping me open my mind,I can fly,I'm proud that I can fly,To give the best of mine,Till the end of the time,Believe me I can fly,I'm proud that I can fly,To give the best of mine,The heaven in the sky,Stars in the sky,Wishing once upon a time,Give me love,Make me smile,Till the end of life,Hold me up,Hold me tight,Lift me up to touch the sky,Teaching me to love with heart,Helping me open my mind,I can fly,I'm proud that I can fly,To give the best of mine,Till the end of the time,Believe me I can fly,I'm proud that I can fly,To give the best of mine,The heaven in the sky,Can't you believe that,you light up my way,No matter how dark is my path,I'll never lose my faith,See me fly,I'm proud to fly up high,Show you the best of mine,Till the end of the time,Believe me I can fly,I'm singing in the sky,Show you the best of mine,The heaven in the sky,Nothing can stop me,Spread my wings so wide,
本文标题:容祖儿《proud of you》G调吉他谱 网址:https://www.265e.com/tab/9074.html
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