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Billie Eilish《Bad Guy》X调吉他谱

Billie Eilish《Bad Guy》X调吉他谱

Bad GuyBoria,一起,电影同名主题曲,BadlyithonBonConDC&#;Caposps=D4maj7&mdframe的同步(男女组合)改编。同一个主题的青春期学生时期的任性,少年时期的稚嫩和叛逆,都是如此的美好,只有经历过,你才会变得更加勇敢。有时候,换个角度,把它们想成你最爱的模样,自己却越来越不喜欢。,歌词欣赏:You can t see the truth,But it s easier to

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Billie Eilish《Bad Guy》X调吉他谱

Billie Eilish《Bad Guy》X调吉他谱

Billie Eilish《Bad Guy》X调吉他谱

Billie Eilish《Bad Guy》X调吉他谱 相关欣赏

Hide the shovel and then drive off in the sunset ,I flee the scene like it was my last ride,You see right through,Oh, you had me pegged the first time,You can t see the truth,But it s easier to justify,,What s bad is good,And I hate to be the bad guy,I just hate to be the bad guy,,And to think I used to think you was the shit, bitch,To think it was you at one time I worshipped, shit,Think you can hurt people and just keep getting away with it?,Not this time, you better go and get sewing kit, bitch,Finish this stitch so you can reap what you sow, nitwit,Thought some time had past and I forget it, forget it!,You left our family in shambles,You expect me to just get over him? Pretend he never existed,,Maybe gone, but he s not forgotten,And don t think cause he s been out the pictures so long,That I ve stopped the plottin and still ain t coming to get ya,You re wrong and that shit was rotten,And the way you played him, same shit you did to me,Have you any idea that shit I ve gone through?,Feelings I harbor, all this pain of resentment I hold on to,Not once you called to ask me how I m doing,Letters, you don t respond to em,**** it, I m coming to see you,And gee who better to talk to than you?,The cause to my problems,My life is garbage and I m bout to take it out on you,Poof, then I m gone,,I flee the scene like it was my last ride,You see right through,Oh, you had me pegged the first time,You can t see the truth,But it s easier to justify,What s bad is good,And I hate to be the bad guy,I just hate to be the bad guy,,I ve been driving around your side of the town,Like 9 frickin hours and 45 minutes now,,Finally I found your new address, park in your drive,Feel like I been waiting on this moment all of my life,And it s now arrived, and my mouth is full of saliva,My knife is out and I m ducking on the side of your house,See, it s sad it came to this point,Such a disappointment I had to make this appointment to come and see ya,But ain t here for ya empathy, I don t need your apology,Or your friendship of sympathy, it s revenge that I seek,So I sneak vengefully and treat your bedroom window,Like I reach my full potential, I peeked,,Continue to peep, still bent low,Keep tapping the glass lightly then start to crescendo,Sneak all the way round to the back porch,Man, door handles unlocked, shouldn t be that easy to do this,You don t plan for intruders before hand?,Surprised to see me? Cat got your tongue?,Gag, chloroform rag, gag almost half of a lung,Like you picked up an axe up and then swung,Stick to the core plan, drag to the back of a trunk,By one of your fans, irony spectacular, huh?,Now who s a faggot, you punk?,And here s your Bronco hat, you can have that shit back as they suck,It s just me, you and the music now, Slim,I hope you hear it we are in a car right now,Wait, here comes my favorite lyric,I m the bad guy who makes fun of people that die,And hey, here s a sequel to my Mathers LP,Just to try to get people to buy,How s this for publicity stunt? This should be fun,Last album now cause after this you ll be officially done,,Eminem killed by Eminem,Matthew Mitchell, bitch, I even have your initials,I initially was gonna bury you next to my brother, but **** it,Since you love your city so much,I figured, what the **** the best place you could be buried alive is right here,,Two more exits, town is quite near,I hope we don t get stopped, no license I fear,That sirens I hear? Guess 90 on the freeway wasn t the brightest idea,As cops appear in my driver side mirror,(Help, police!!),,Hope foxtrot gets an aerial shot of your burial,,New plan Stan,Slim, chauvinist pig drove in this big, lincoln town car,Well gotta go, almost at the bridge, haha big bro it s for you,Slim, this is for him and Frank Ocean, hope you can swim good!,Now say you hate homos again!,,I also represent anyone on the end of the jokes you,,I m the nightmare you fell asleep in and woke up still in,I m your karma closing in with each stroke of a pen,Perfect time to have some remorse to show for your sin,No, it s hopeless, I m the denial that you re hopelessly in,When they say all of this is approaching its end, but you refuse to believe that It s over, here we go all over again,,Backs to the wall, I m stacking,,Yeah cause I m talking a lot of shit but I m backing it all up,But in my head there s a voice in the back and it hollas,After the track is demolished,I am your lack of a conscience,I m the ringing in your ears,I m the polyps on the back of your tonsils,Eating your vocal chords after your concerts,I m your time that s almost up that you haven t acknowledged,Grab for some water but I m that pill that s too jagged to swallow,I m the bullies you hate that you became,With every faggot you slaughtered,Coming back on you every woman you insult,With the double-standards you have when it comes to your daughters,I represent everything you take for granted, Cause Marshall Mather s the rapper s persona s have a facade and have you,, Cause after all the glitz and the glam no more fans that are calling your name,Matthew and Stan s just symbolic of you not knowing what you had until it s gone,Cameras are off,when it happens to all of them?,I m hindsight to say, I told you so! ,Foreshadows of all , things that are to follow,I n the future that s to show you what s happening tomorrow,If you don t stop after they call you the,Biggest laughing stock of rap who can t call it quits,When it s time to walk away,I m ever guilt trip,The baggage you had,But as you gather up all your possessions,If you have anything you have left to say,Unless it makes an impact don t bother,So before you rest your case,Better make sure you re packing a wallop,,

本文标题:Billie Eilish《Bad Guy》X调吉他谱 网址:https://www.265e.com/tab/7374.html

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