trust《trust me》E调吉他谱

trust me-音小屋G调指法,完成。虽然是张老师为了能够听到这首歌曲所做的准备,但是这首歌曲并不明显,这首经典歌曲也很特别,对于那个男孩来说,应该是非常好听的歌。整首歌曲流畅动听,让人听了非常享受。这首曲谱,为了方便大家学习,不推荐新手练习,所以弹唱难度适中,我们弹唱的技巧有一些是非常多的,需要多加练习才能演奏出来的。民谣有三:姑娘,吉他,南北方。听者有三:香烟、孤独、还有酒。姑娘是爱情,吉他是理想,南北是远方...,歌词欣赏:Kiss me (and I'm gon' k
trust《trust me》E调吉他谱 相关欣赏
,Trust Me,Backstreet Boys,Let me tell you about this girl I know,First glance and damn she stole my heart,She amazed me,The way she moves, just the way she moves,Hold me back, just the way she moves,Take me to the disco, make me dance,Oh hunny spinnin' round like a queen,And the way you do your thing,You're mesmerizing me,I'm gonna tell you how I feel,And the feeling is so real,Baby it's just so simple,You got to call me (and I'm gon' call you back),Kiss me (and I'm gon' kiss you back),Love me (baby I'm gon' love you back),You've got to trust me, trust me,Hold me (whenever you're alone),Baby (even when you're crazy),Love me (baby I'm gon' love you back),You've got to trust me,Oh love, you and me,Underneath the willow tree,Kissin' lovin' makin' sweet sexy babies,Grass is greener on the other side,There's no other side when it's you and I tonight,Let's count the stars,I know time will always be, our enemy,For tonight baby, come lie here next to me,I could never get enough of your blue eyes,Just another butterfly sign,You got to call me (and I'm gon' call you back),Kiss me (and I'm gon' kiss you back),Love me (baby I'm gon' love you back),You've got to trust me, trust me,Hold me (whenever you're alone),Baby (even when you're crazy),Love me (baby I'm gon' love you back),You've got to trust me,Let's believe that we'll find out,How it feel with something so right,Don't you think it's time to let your guard down,Don't you think it's time,Don't you think it's time,You got to call me (and I'm gon' call you back),Kiss me (and I'm gon' kiss you back),Love me (baby I'm gon' love you back),You've got to trust me, trust me,Hold me (whenever you're alone),Baby (even when you're crazy),Love me (baby I'm gon' love you back),You've got to trust me,
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