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OneRepublic《counting stars》E调吉他谱

OneRepublic《counting stars》E调吉他谱

counting stars_,这首由博文提供的中国风歌曲,完成。这是一首歌曲,是一首毕业季的歌曲,是一首经典的校园歌曲,里面有着浓郁的校园风,以及毕业前的每一寸空气。当我们拿起吉他的那一刻起,我们就应该学会吉他弹唱了。“学会飞行,学好属于我们的天空,唱出了我们的梦想”,歌词中充满了能量,在我们努力奋斗之下,就会迎来属于我们的梦想。,歌词欣赏:Dreaming about the things,that we could be,But baby, I've

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OneRepublic《counting stars》E调吉他谱

OneRepublic《counting stars》E调吉他谱

OneRepublic《counting stars》E调吉他谱 相关欣赏

,Lately, I've been,,I've been losing sleep,Dreaming about the things,that we could be,But baby, I've been,,I've been praying hard,,Said, no more counting dollars,We'll be counting stars,,yeah we'll be counting stars,I see this life like a swinging vine,Swing my heart across the line,And my face is flashing signs,Seek it out and you shall find,Old, but I'm not that old,Young, but I'm not that bold,I don't think the world is sold,I'm just doing what we're told,I feel something so right,Doing the wrong thing,I feel something so wrong,Doing the right thing,I could lie, coudn't I, could lie,Everything that kills,me makes me feel alive,Lately, I've been,,I've been losing sleep,Dreaming about the things,that we could be,But baby, I've been,,I've been praying hard,,Said, no more counting dollars,We'll be counting stars,Lately, I've been,,I've been losing sleep,Dreaming about the things,that we could be,But baby, I've been,,I've been praying hard,,Said, no more counting dollars,We'll be, we'll be counting stars,I feel the love and I feel it burn,Down this river, every turn,Hope is a four-letter word,Make that money, watch it burn,Old, but I'm not that old,Young, but I'm not that bold,I don't think the world is sold,I'm just doing what we're told,I feel something so wrong,Doing the right thing,I could lie, could lie, could lie,Everything that drowns me,makes me wanna fly,boby, I've been,,I've been losing sleep,Dreaming about the things,that we could be,But baby, I've been,,I've been praying hard,,Said, no more counting dollars,We'll be counting stars,Lately, I've been,,I've been losing sleep,Dreaming about the things,that we could be,But baby, I've been,,I've been praying hard,,Said, no more counting dollars,We'll be, we'll be counting stars,Take that money,Watch it burn,Sink in the river,The lessons are learned,Take that money,Watch it burn,Sink in the river,The lessons are learned,Take that money,Watch it burn,Sink in the river,The lessons are learned,Take that money,Watch it burn,Sink in the river,The lessons are learned,Everything that kills me makes feel alive,baby, I've been,,I've been losing sleep,Dreaming about the things,that we could be,But baby, I've been,,I've been praying hard,,Said, no more counting dollars,We'll be counting stars,Lately, I've been,,I've been losing sleep,Dreaming about the things,that we could be,But baby, I've been,,I've been praying hard,,Said, no more counting dollars,We'll be, we'll be, counting stars,Take that money,Watch it burn,Sink in the river,The lessons are learned,Take that money,Watch it burn,Sink in the river,The lessons are learned,Take that money,Watch it burn,Sink in the river,The lessons are learned,Take that money,Watch it burn,Sink in the river,The lessons are learned,Counting Stars - OneRepublic

本文标题:OneRepublic《counting stars》E调吉他谱 网址:https://www.265e.com/tab/475.html

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  • counting starscounting stars

    counting stars

    counting stars_,这首由博文提供的中国风歌曲,完成。这是一首歌曲,是一首毕业季的歌曲,是一首经典的校园歌曲,里面有着浓郁的校园风,以及毕业前的每一寸空气。当我们拿起吉他的那一刻起,我们就应该学会吉他弹唱了。“学会飞行,学好属于我们的天空,唱出了我们的梦想”,歌词中充满了能量,在我们努力奋斗之下,就会迎来属于我们的梦想。

  • apologizeapologize




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