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Sermon指法,完成。这是一首非常治愈的歌曲,相信很多人都很喜欢,在旋律的带领下,我们的脑海中浮现出以前的趣事,尽管如今不在,但还是要继续努力,好好待下去。另外,这首月色_也超级好听,小伙伴们有福啦,还不去练起来?,歌词欣赏:But this is my sermon fest that I&

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布道《Sermon》吉他谱 相关欣赏

You don't have to say you're sorry,Or redeem yourself to me oh,I'm not asking for confessions,You don't even have to speak no,I need you to feel that you're more than enough,I already know you're deserving of love,It's not a question that you are the one that I need,These are my words,This is my voice,That is my sermon,Give me your heart,Give me your pain,Give me your burden,Cause I can take anything that you can give,Forgiving everything that you did,These are my words,This is my voice,That is my sermon,My sermon yeah yeah yeah,My sermon yeah yeah yeah,My sermon yeah yeah yeah,My sermon yeah yeah yeah,Oh time to turn this wine to water yeah,Time to turn this gold to lead oh,Time to stop taking this for granted oh,Gotta keep my fire feets,I need you to feel that you're more than enough,I already know you're deserving of love,It's not a question that you are the one that I need,These are my words,This is my voice,That is my sermon,Give me your heart,Give me your pain,Give me your burden,Cause I can take anything that you can give,Forgiving everything that you did,These are my words,This is my voice,That is my sermon,My sermon yeah yeah yeah,My sermon yeah yeah yeah,My sermon yeah yeah yeah,My sermon yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah,I don't know nothing about the service the clergy do in the churches,I never read the book though I knew the pages were turning,I tried to sing the hymns but I couldn't think of the verses,Tried to confess my sins but I didn't know how to word it,But this is my sermon fest that I'm emotionally drained,Self medicating hoping I can cope with the pain,I need a face cause that'll fix whatever's broke in my brain,Who am I kidding no I'm going insane,I wrote some quotes on this page just trying to reach you in a hope you were late,Well I'll probably just throw them away,Cause I don't know what to say,I feel weak when I'm supposed to be brave,I seem free but I'm enclosed in a cage,Though I continue to ponder over the plastic,And I ain't gonna do any better,The future and buckle under the pressure,I knew I stepped to the plate and gon' take the chance with my life,Come face to face with the darkness so I can stand in the light like,When I feel your love upon me,I know I am truly blessed,Sometimes we've gotta face the darkness,Just lead me to the light again,These are my words,My voice,That is my sermon,Give me your heart,Give me your pain,Give me your burden,Cause I can take anything that you can give,Forgiving everything that you did,These are my words,This is my voice,That is my sermon,My sermon yeah yeah yeah,My sermon yeah yeah yeah,My sermon yeah yeah yeah,My sermon yeah yeah yeah,My sermon yeah yeah yeah,My sermon yeah yeah yeah,My sermon yeah yeah yeah,My sermon yeah yeah yeah,That is my sermon

本文标题:布道《Sermon》吉他谱 网址:https://www.265e.com/tab/10513.html



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