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SLANDER_Getting Late (feat. Danni Carra)歌词 Getting Late (feat. Danni Carra)LRC歌词

歌手:SLANDER 专辑:《Getting Late (feat. Danni Carra)》 作词:未知 发行时间:
Slowly I feel something inside me change
It can't just be me
Faking my truth so I believe my lies
Nothing feels concrete
When did we left but done do the talking
What we take, how can we stop it
It's pulling us down
How can make me heal when I'm saying
'Cause when you smile, you're already bleeding
Making us no down
'Cause it's getting late
And I wish and I wish that maybe you would stay
It's almost 2 AM
There's so much, there's so much that I want the chance to say
But it's getting late, that it's too late
That it's too late
But it's getting late, that it's too late
I want to see more than, more than heights
You in the night
So tell me only were the stars can see
There's no need to hide
When did we left but done do the talking
What we take, how can we stop it
It's pulling us down
How can make me heal when I'm saying
'Cause when you smile, you're already bleeding
Making us no down
'Cause it's getting late
And I wish and I wish that maybe you would stay
It's almost 2 AM
There's so much, there's so much that I want the chance to say
But it's getting late, that it's too late
That it's too late
But it's getting late, that it's too late
Getting late
And I wish and I wish that maybe you would stay
It's almost 2 AM
There's so much, there's so much that I want the chance to say
But it's getting late, that it's too late
[00:04.322] Slowly I feel something inside me change
[00:11.141] It can't just be me
[00:1***06] Faking my truth so I believe my lies
[00:23.158] Nothing feels concrete
[00:28.449] When did we left but done do the talking
[00:31.440] What we take, how can we stop it
[00:35.746] It's pulling us down
[00:40.427] How can make me heal when I'm saying
[00:43.404] 'Cause when you smile, you're already bleeding
[00:47.557] Making us no down
[00:51.301] 'Cause it's getting late
[00:54.970] And I wish and I wish that maybe you would stay
[01:03.279] It's almost 2 AM
[01:07.006] There's so much, there's so much that I want the chance to say
[01:12.671] But it's getting late, that it's too late
[01:26.549] That it's too late
[01:36.640] But it's getting late, that it's too late
[01:43.015] I want to see more than, more than heights
[01:50.660] You in the night
[01:55.024] So tell me only were the stars can see
[02:02.525] There's no need to hide
[02:07.409] When did we left but done do the talking
[02:10.429] What we take, how can we stop it
[02:14.736] It's pulling us down
[02:19.378] How can make me heal when I'm saying
[02:22.396] 'Cause when you smile, you're already bleeding
[02:26.571] Making us no down
[02:30.249] 'Cause it's getting late
[02:33.975] And I wish and I wish that maybe you would stay
[02:42.279] It's almost 2 AM
[02:45.966] There's so much, there's so much that I want the chance to say
[02:51.586] But it's getting late, that it's too late
[03:05.525] That it's too late
[03:15.631] But it's getting late, that it's too late
[03:19.424] Getting late
[03:22.011] And I wish and I wish that maybe you would stay
[03:30.248] It's almost 2 AM
[03:33.990] There's so much, there's so much that I want the chance to say
[03:39.599] But it's getting late, that it's too late

本文标题:SLANDER_Getting Late (feat. Danni Carra)歌词 Getting Late (feat. Danni Carra)LRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/936682.html

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