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Arctic Monkeys_Knee Socks歌词 Knee SocksLRC歌词

歌手:Arctic Monkeys 专辑:《《AM》》 作词: 发行时间:
Knee Socks - Arctic Monkeys (北极猴子)
You got the lights on in the afternoon
And the nights are drawn out long
And you're kissing to cut through the gloom
With a cough drop coloured tongue
And you were sitting in the corner with the coats all piled high
And I thought you might be mine
In a small world on an exceptionally rainy Tuesday night
In the right place and time
When the zeros line up on the 24 hour clock
When you know who's calling even though the number is blocked
When you walked around your house wearing my sky blue Lacoste
And your knee socks
Well you cured my January blues
Yeah you made it all alright
I got a feeling I might have lit the very fuse
That you were trying not to light
You were a stranger in my phonebook
I was acting like I knew
'Cause I had nothing to lose
When the winter's in full swing and
Your dreams just aren't coming true
Ain't it funny what you'll do
When the zeros line up on the 24 hour clock
When you know who's calling even though
The number is blocked
When you walked around your house
Wearing my sky blue Lacoste
And your knee socks
The late afternoon
The ghost in your room that you always
Thought didn't approve of you knocking boots
Never stopped you letting me get hold of
The sweet spot by the scruff of your
Knee socks
You and me could have been a team
Each had a half of a king and queen seat
Like the beginning of Mean Streets
You could Be My Baby
You and me could have been a team
Each had a half of a king and queen seat
Like the beginning of Mean Streets
You could Be My Baby
All the zeros lined up but the number's
Blocked when you've come undone
When the zeros line up on the 24 hour clock
When you know who's calling even though
The number is blocked
When you walked around your house wearing
My sky blue Lacoste
And your knee socks
When the zeros line up on the 24 hour clock
When you know who's calling even though the number is blocked
When you walked around your house wearing my sky blue Lacoste
And your knee socks
[ti:Knee Socks]
[ar:Arctic Monkeys]
[00:00.00]Knee Socks - Arctic Monkeys (北极猴子)
[00:22.94]You got the lights on in the afternoon
[00:28.05]And the nights are drawn out long
[00:32.74]And you're kissing to cut through the gloom
[00:37.48]With a cough drop coloured tongue
[00:42.74]And you were sitting in the corner with the coats all piled high
[00:47.49]And I thought you might be mine
[00:52.47]In a small world on an exceptionally rainy Tuesday night
[00:57.47]In the right place and time
[00:59.65]When the zeros line up on the 24 hour clock
[01:03.71]When you know who's calling even though the number is blocked
[01:08.95]When you walked around your house wearing my sky blue Lacoste
[01:14.20]And your knee socks
[01:21.82]Well you cured my January blues
[01:26.12]Yeah you made it all alright
[01:30.67]I got a feeling I might have lit the very fuse
[01:35.92]That you were trying not to light
[01:41.22]You were a stranger in my phonebook
[01:43.59]I was acting like I knew
[01:45.96]'Cause I had nothing to lose
[01:51.08]When the winter's in full swing and
[01:53.14]Your dreams just aren't coming true
[01:55.89]Ain't it funny what you'll do
[01:58.20]When the zeros line up on the 24 hour clock
[02:02.57]When you know who's calling even though
[02:05.51]The number is blocked
[02:07.63]When you walked around your house
[02:09.75]Wearing my sky blue Lacoste
[02:12.49]And your knee socks
[02:18.30]The late afternoon
[02:20.32]The ghost in your room that you always
[02:23.07]Thought didn't approve of you knocking boots
[02:26.68]Never stopped you letting me get hold of
[02:30.18]The sweet spot by the scruff of your
[02:33.42]Knee socks
[02:34.67]You and me could have been a team
[02:36.17]Each had a half of a king and queen seat
[02:38.10]Like the beginning of Mean Streets
[02:40.61]You could Be My Baby
[02:44.10]You and me could have been a team
[02:45.60]Each had a half of a king and queen seat
[02:47.66]Like the beginning of Mean Streets
[02:49.97]You could Be My Baby
[02:53.47]All the zeros lined up but the number's
[03:03.08]Blocked when you've come undone
[03:11.74]When the zeros line up on the 24 hour clock
[03:16.11]When you know who's calling even though
[03:18.92]The number is blocked
[03:21.10]When you walked around your house wearing
[03:24.16]My sky blue Lacoste
[03:25.55]And your knee socks
[03:31.10]When the zeros line up on the 24 hour clock
[03:35.84]When you know who's calling even though the number is blocked
[03:40.71]When you walked around your house wearing my sky blue Lacoste
[03:45.57]And your knee socks

本文标题:Arctic Monkeys_Knee Socks歌词 Knee SocksLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/87356.html

《Arctic Monkeys_Knee Socks歌词 Knee SocksLRC歌词》相关曲谱及歌词来源于互联网或网友上传分享,仅供个人学习、交流、欣赏使用,版权归属原作者所有,如有侵犯到您的权益,请联系我们,我们会及时处理。


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