首页 / 歌词 / Black Box Recorder_British Racing Green歌词 British Racing GreenLRC歌词

Black Box Recorder_British Racing Green歌词 British Racing GreenLRC歌词

歌手:Black Box Recorder 专辑:《》 作词: 发行时间:

British racing green
Everybody needs to dream
Romance and love and eight hours sleep
A little cottage by the sea
A glass of gin, a box of chocolates
To be both wanted and decide
To move away when we retire
No hell or heaven in-between
British racing green
Pebble-dash houses under
Neath the flight-path, still life
Perfectly preserved through double-glazed windows
Satellite dish brings
Entertainment to our home
Crack in the foundations - claim for
Compensation leads to
Aspirations and pipe dreams
Buy myself a sports car
British racing green
Everybody needs to dream
Romance and love and eight hours sleep
A little cottage by the sea
A glass of gin, a box of chocolates
To be both wanted and decide
To move away when we retire
No hell or heaven in-between
British racing green
British racing green
Still don"t know where I was going
Top down - inclement weather
Just like all the English people
Trying to win the Island Race, whatever
British Racing Queen
British Racing Green
Everybody needs to dream
Romance and love and eight hours sleep
A little cottage by the sea
A glass of gin, a box of chocolates
To be both wanted and decide
To move away when we retire
No hell or heaven in-between
British racing green
British racing green
Now I"m living in a chat-room
They sent a virus to my dream
That wiped the hard-drive
Everybody needs to dream
Romance and love and eight hours sleep
A little cottage by the sea
A glass of gin, a box of chocolates
To be both wanted and decide
To move away when we retire
No hell or heaven in-between
British racing green
Everybody needs to dream
Romance and love and eight hours sleep
A little cottage by the sea
A glass of gin, a box of chocolates
To be both wanted and decide
To move away when we retire
No hell or heaven in-between
British racing Queen
British racing green
British racing green
British racing green
[00:00.83]British racing green
[00:02.42]Everybody needs to dream
[00:05.30]Romance and love and eight hours sleep
[00:08.57]A little cottage by the sea
[00:11.81]A glass of gin, a box of chocolates
[00:15.26]To be both wanted and decide
[00:18.28]To move away when we retire
[00:21.39]No hell or heaven in-between
[00:24.62]British racing green
[00:27.94]Pebble-dash houses under
[00:30.84]Neath the flight-path, still life
[00:33.92]Perfectly preserved through double-glazed windows
[00:40.66]Satellite dish brings
[00:43.80]Entertainment to our home
[00:50.31]Crack in the foundations - claim for
[00:53.41]Compensation leads to
[00:5***5]Aspirations and pipe dreams
[01:03.08]Buy myself a sports car
[01:06.31]British racing green
[01:12.70]Everybody needs to dream
[01:15.71]Romance and love and eight hours sleep
[01:18.92]A little cottage by the sea
[01:22.11]A glass of gin, a box of chocolates
[01:25.45]To be both wanted and decide
[01:28.25]To move away when we retire
[01:31.90]No hell or heaven in-between
[01:34.97]British racing green
[01:41.76]British racing green
[01:56.59]Still don"t know where I was going
[02:01.84]Top down - inclement weather
[02:07.78]Just like all the English people
[02:08.19]Trying to win the Island Race, whatever
[02:18.13]British Racing Queen
[02:21.82]British Racing Green
[02:29.96]Everybody needs to dream
[02:32.70]Romance and love and eight hours sleep
[02:35.54]A little cottage by the sea
[02:38.26]A glass of gin, a box of chocolates
[02:41.10]To be both wanted and decide
[02:43.95]To move away when we retire
[02:46.67]No hell or heaven in-between
[02:49.50]British racing green
[02:55.37]British racing green
[03:02.34]Now I"m living in a chat-room
[03:08.83]They sent a virus to my dream
[03:14.55]That wiped the hard-drive
[03:22.97]Everybody needs to dream
[03:25.75]Romance and love and eight hours sleep
[03:28.50]A little cottage by the sea
[03:31.23]A glass of gin, a box of chocolates
[03:34.18]To be both wanted and decide
[03:36.92]To move away when we retire
[03:39.67]No hell or heaven in-between
[03:42.53]British racing green
[03:45.34]Everybody needs to dream
[03:48.01]Romance and love and eight hours sleep
[03:50.74]A little cottage by the sea
[03:53.48]A glass of gin, a box of chocolates
[03:56.56]To be both wanted and decide
[03:59.19]To move away when we retire
[04:01.98]No hell or heaven in-between
[04:04.84]British racing Queen
[04:10.59]British racing green
[04:15.96]British racing green
[04:21.82]British racing green

本文标题:Black Box Recorder_British Racing Green歌词 British Racing GreenLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/872748.html

《Black Box Recorder_British Racing Green歌词 British Racing GreenLRC歌词》相关曲谱及歌词来源于互联网或网友上传分享,仅供个人学习、交流、欣赏使用,版权归属原作者所有,如有侵犯到您的权益,请联系我们,我们会及时处理。


  • 后弦《娃娃脸》C调吉他谱后弦《娃娃脸》C调吉他谱


    娃娃脸__,来自于梁咏麟的一首闽南语歌曲,娃娃脸吉他,,变调夹夹四品。弹唱,共四张弹唱图片谱,出品。这首歌是华语歌手梁咏麟自己的原创作品,歌曲来源于专辑中,陈粒的嗓音温暖而深情,旋律委婉动人,婉转细腻,徐徐行于江湖间,歌声清扬婉转,让人难以忘怀。这是一首深入人心的闽南语歌曲,朗朗上口,打动人心,也让人忍不住单曲循环,伴随着这首歌进入梦乡。,歌词欣赏:你表情很数码 我WIFI难招架,你娃娃脸蛋多图杀猫 Honey Honey HA!,(小新)头顶上不

  • 潇公子刘潇《兄弟想你了》C调吉他谱潇公子刘潇《兄弟想你了》C调吉他谱


    兄弟想你了G调指法,完成。周杰伦的嗓音总是很好听,一听就会想到他在身边的点点滴滴,是一个对亲人很忠诚的人,是一位为了社会不断发展,默默努力的人,这首歌曲受到了很多人的**和喜爱,受到了很多人的**和喜爱,歌曲表现了与一个为了梦想不断奋斗的人在战斗的精神。听说,有魅力的帅哥美的都在悄悄练这首隔壁老樊_,小伙伴们也快练起来吧~,歌词欣赏:问问这边咋样啦,兄弟啊 放心吧,我在这嘎达挺好的,过年我就回家来啦,你就等着瞧好吧,等我回家, (兄弟.等你

  • 《爱没有结果》C调吉他谱《爱没有结果》C调吉他谱



  • 木小雅《可能否》E调吉他谱木小雅《可能否》E调吉他谱


    可能否,是由叶一凡作词作曲,由小宇作曲。由于男诗歌人的歌词充满哲理和才气,歌词还是那么的火。音乐家周杰伦非常适合写出风格鲜明的人物。音乐创作通过周杰伦的自身能力向听众展示了生活中的遭遇,表现了非常强大的音乐能力,很多人是因为喜欢上音乐,而被周杰伦的音乐才华所感动。他虽然有点胖,但唱的唱功非常棒,给大家带来了很多的享受。,歌词欣赏:秋天的月 能否照亮冬天的雪,夜空的星 能否落向晨曦的海,山间的泉 能否遇上南飞的雁,能否早一点 看透命运的伏

  • 周兴哲《永不失联的爱》G调吉他谱周兴哲《永不失联的爱》G调吉他谱


    永不失联的爱__华晨宇_,是由华晨宇的一首歌,也是电视剧主题曲。这首歌讲述了两个失联的故事,这种爱就像流星一样,一秒一秒的过去,最终只能落在岸边的岸边。“其实永远不一定会找到正确的方向,即使最后那只是花火,我想我会找到方向。”是华晨宇与华晨宇共同打造的一首歌,在他们最迷茫,最绝望的时候,大家可以跟着他们一起寻找新的希望,他们的世界里就像是出现了这样一束光。,歌词欣赏:请快回来 想听你说,说你还在,你给我 这一辈子永不想失联的爱,你的每条讯息都是心跳节拍,每秒都想 拥你入怀,全世界

  • 丁当《我爱他》C调吉他谱丁当《我爱他》C调吉他谱


    我爱他,相信每一个渴望爱情的人都是因为有了期待的希望,所以希望每个人都有属于自己的快乐,所以有了希望,并向自己心爱的人告白,我会怀揣着梦想,然后告诉自己,生活不会不容易,要为此努力,为了去追逐,希望他的未来。,歌词欣赏:该怎么去爱,我爱他 轰轰烈烈最疯狂,我的梦狠狠碎过却不会忘,曾为他相信明天就是未来,情节有多坏

  • 棱镜乐队《总有一天你会出现在我身边》G调吉他谱棱镜乐队《总有一天你会出现在我身边》G调吉他谱


    总有一天你会出现在我身边,带来了温暖。如果,那个冬天过后,你会发现它好比那冬日里温暖的阳光,给我们带来希望和希望。一首很感人的歌曲,无论我们人生的旅程遇到了什么挫折,总有一天你会出现在我身边,将一切都拥在怀里,你给了我们幸福的生活,让我们为生活增添了许多色彩。,歌词欣赏: 编辑于2022/07/05更新,

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