首页 / 歌词 / Silverstein_Call It Karma歌词 Call It KarmaLRC歌词

Silverstein_Call It Karma歌词 Call It KarmaLRC歌词

歌手:Silverstein 专辑:《》 作词: 发行时间:

blame it on the weather, but i'm a mess
and this february darkness has me hating everyone
and i know i need your comfort, but this drama makes me sick
and the longer i lay here, i know it's harder to get up
without you
lose another day here
lose another year here
i'm with you
finally, something out there, that's making sense
and it's just another trend carefully hidden in your dress
and this cycles never ending, and this fashions overdone
and the further that i run away, the further i'll come back
to shelter...
lose another day here
lose another year here
i'm with you
you are the fire, on my apartment floor
sixteen stories, i'd rather burn then fall
and it isn't fate, that took us all by storm
it's just the turn of a card
lose another day here
lose another year here
i'm with you
you are the fire, on my apartment floor
sixteen stories, i'd rather burn then fall
and it isn't fate, that took us all by storm
it's just the turn of a card
goodbye old friend
goodbye goodnight
i'll move on
you'll call it fate, i'll call it karma
we had our time, it was fun
while it lasted
i'll look back, with honor
and no regrets
i won't be mad, won't feel bad
these memories will never leave me
don't be sad
cause life goes on, life goes on
it's getting too late
tomorrow is here
[00:00.29]blame it on the weather, but i'm a mess
[00:06.76]and this february darkness has me hating everyone
[00:12.50]and i know i need your comfort, but this drama makes me sick
[00:18.14]and the longer i lay here, i know it's harder to get up
[00:23.21]without you
[00:25.46]lose another day here
[00:28.40]lose another year here
[00:31.26]i'm with you
[00:34.47]finally, something out there, that's making sense
[00:40.62]and it's just another trend carefully hidden in your dress
[00:4***0]and this cycles never ending, and this fashions overdone
[00:51.92]and the further that i run away, the further i'll come back
[00:57.12]to shelter...
[00:59.36]lose another day here
[01:02.28]lose another year here
[01:05.15]i'm with you
[01:10.01]you are the fire, on my apartment floor
[01:15.75]sixteen stories, i'd rather burn then fall
[01:21.32]and it isn't fate, that took us all by storm
[01:26.99]it's just the turn of a card
[01:55.84]lose another day here
[01:58.74]lose another year here
[02:01.53]i'm with you
[02:0***0]you are the fire, on my apartment floor
[02:12.19]sixteen stories, i'd rather burn then fall
[02:17.89]and it isn't fate, that took us all by storm
[02:23.46]it's just the turn of a card
[02:39.82]goodbye old friend
[02:45.00]goodbye goodnight
[02:53.02]i'll move on
[02:5***7]you'll call it fate, i'll call it karma
[03:03.43]we had our time, it was fun
[03:11.15]while it lasted
[03:15.41]i'll look back, with honor
[03:21.72]and no regrets
[03:24.81]i won't be mad, won't feel bad
[03:30.19]these memories will never leave me
[03:37.53]don't be sad
[03:41.67]cause life goes on, life goes on
[03:48.72]it's getting too late
[03:52.85]tomorrow is here

本文标题:Silverstein_Call It Karma歌词 Call It KarmaLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/870825.html

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    Dear God指弹_,“_,高清版图片谱。Bey吉他教室出品,整理分享。这是一个多么深情的名字,歌唱出美好的初恋时代,歌手弹唱出了对于友情中的那份真挚感情。王建房先生缓缓的述说着对于爱情中的执着与坚持。这首曲谱总谱,A调,,,变调夹夹1品弹唱本谱涉及到扫弦节奏的把握。,歌词欣赏:计算逃避人人都在玩游戏,没有钱没人理你,我心里很愤怒,只能冷酷让自己麻木,拿生命做赌注,这些疯狂还要多久,爱 爱

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