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Dreamtale_Great Shadow歌词 Great ShadowLRC歌词

歌手:Dreamtale 专辑:《》 作词: 发行时间:
歌曲:Great Shadow

Great Shadow
From 梦境传说(Dreamtale)
like the blind who envy those who see
little children rebel against their creed
they believe there is nothing left to tell
but the truth is stronger than their shell
what the poets said is left unsaid
and lady beauty weeps on her death-bed
she was pierced by your trends and deception
suffocated by your sterile preconceptions
it's hard to fight,even to forget
this great new veil lies overhead
it hovers like a sickening plague,like a plague
a great shadow
waiting for the reckoning
searching for the light
a great shadow
waiting for the reckoning
in their minds,searching for the light
pleas for true emotion meat deaf ears
only crocodiles are shedding tears
and the masses reaching for their grave
are too numb to even feel the shame
Whenever prophets raise their voices
middle-legions say they’re being exploited
they prefer fake liberty without goals
in a constant puberty,under control
it's hard to fight,even to forget
this great new veil lies overhead
it hovers like a sickening plague,like a plague
it's hard to fight,even to forget
this great new veil lies overhead
it hovers like a sickening plague,like a plague
[ti:Great Shadow]
[00:01.00]Great Shadow
[00:16.00]From 梦境传说(Dreamtale)
[01:01.43]like the blind who envy those who see
[01:03.99]little children rebel against their creed
[01:07.91]they believe there is nothing left to tell
[01:10.74]but the truth is stronger than their shell
[01:18.27]what the poets said is left unsaid
[01:21.11]and lady beauty weeps on her death-bed
[01:24.63]she was pierced by your trends and deception
[01:28.02]suffocated by your sterile preconceptions
[01:34.13]it's hard to fight,even to forget
[01:37.39]this great new veil lies overhead
[01:41.06]it hovers like a sickening plague,like a plague
[01:53.61]a great shadow
[01:58.19]waiting for the reckoning
[02:02.12]searching for the light
[02:04.12]a great shadow
[02:08.12]waiting for the reckoning
[02:10.12]in their minds,searching for the light
[02:15.95]pleas for true emotion meat deaf ears
[02:18.89]only crocodiles are shedding tears
[02:22.10]and the masses reaching for their grave
[02:26.01]are too numb to even feel the shame
[02:32.96]Whenever prophets raise their voices
[02:36.12]middle-legions say they’re being exploited
[02:39.73]they prefer fake liberty without goals
[02:42.11]in a constant puberty,under control
[02:50.06]it's hard to fight,even to forget
[02:53.04]this great new veil lies overhead
[02:56.28]it hovers like a sickening plague,like a plague
[04:17.74]it's hard to fight,even to forget
[04:21.96]this great new veil lies overhead
[04:25.25]it hovers like a sickening plague,like a plague

本文标题:Dreamtale_Great Shadow歌词 Great ShadowLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/868769.html

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