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椎名林檎_Wings of Time歌词 Wings of TimeLRC歌词

歌手:椎名林檎 专辑:《》 作词: 发行时间:

椎名林檎 - 茎-STEM-~大名遊ビ編~
作詞者名 椎名林檎
作曲者名 椎名林檎
There's a door here, but it will not break
There's a stone there, but it won't remain
Up there a heaven now, but it will not wait
And the lies there, the scent of it , just too much
So should you,
Sow it once and make it grow,
the sweet clematis
Let it flower, and paint it all of the colors bold
Instantly things fall and fade,
return to silence
Why oh why, why does it all feel so sorrowful?
Dreams of what is real
There's breath here, but it will not break
There's a face there, but it won't remain
Up there a heaven now, but it knows no name
and the stain is the color of red through red
And thus,
You cannot cry, confuse the lies,
try to remember
When you rise, you take you steps
with a strong desire
Time goes by, a breath it comes,
like something given
Why oh why, why have there
nightmares not long expired
the real is but a dream
From now on,
should it grow and open full,
the sweet clematis
Flower bold, but there's no need
for rejoicing more
Precious life, this life just once,
it comes just one time
Keep it close, keep it from ever just leaving you
Crying tears confusing fears they are no longer
When I stand I know I'll never be down again
Nothing that I need now,
once it comes just one time
Somehow, somehow, someone, ah
Entry Number One

椎名林檎 - 茎-STEM-~大名遊ビ編~
作詞者名 椎名林檎
作曲者名 椎名林檎

There's a door here, but it will not break
There's a stone there, but it won't remain
Up there a heaven now, but it will not wait
And the lies there, the scent of it , just too much
So should you,
Sow it once and make it grow,
the sweet clematis
Let it flower, and paint it all of the colors bold
Instantly things fall and fade,
return to silence
Why oh why, why does it all feel so sorrowful?
Dreams of what is real

There's breath here, but it will not break
There's a face there, but it won't remain
Up there a heaven now, but it knows no name
and the stain is the color of red through red
And thus,
You cannot cry, confuse the lies,
try to remember
When you rise, you take you steps
with a strong desire
Time goes by, a breath it comes,
like something given
Why oh why, why have there
nightmares not long expired
the real is but a dream

From now on,
should it grow and open full,
the sweet clematis
Flower bold, but there's no need
for rejoicing more
Precious life, this life just once,
it comes just one time
Keep it close, keep it from ever just leaving you
Crying tears confusing fears they are no longer
When I stand I know I'll never be down again
Nothing that I need now,
once it comes just one time
Somehow, somehow, someone, ah
Entry Number One


本文标题:椎名林檎_Wings of Time歌词 Wings of TimeLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/832940.html

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