首页 / 歌词 / Toni Braxton_Seven Whole Days [live]歌词 Seven Whole Days [live]LRC歌词

Toni Braxton_Seven Whole Days [live]歌词 Seven Whole Days [live]LRC歌词

歌手:Toni Braxton 专辑:《》 作词: 发行时间:

There’s no me without you
There’s no meaning to life without you
Tell me why should I care ’bout doing my hair
When I can’t stop the thinking about you
There’s no moon without you
There’s no Saturday nights without you
There’s no walk through the park
No beat in my heart
No I love you, No I can’t live without you
You told me everything would be cool
Said I wouldn’t always feel blue
How come I feel like a wreck
How come the skies are all gray
How come my eyes are all red
Why am I alone in bed
You told me everything would be fine
Why am I losing my mind
How come I feel like a fool
Why do I keep losing you
Why do I love in despair
When you’re not there
There’s no me without you
There’s no meaning to life without you
Tell me why should I care ’bout doing my hair
When I can’t stop the thinking about you
There’s no moon without you
There’s no Saturday nights without you
There’s no walk through the park
No beat in my heart
No I love you, No I can’t live without you
So blue for you
So deep in love with you
So hard to say bye-bye
When you know how hard I’ve tried
I, I, I tried baby
No No No No
You told me everything would be fine
Why am I losing my mind
How come I feel like a fool
Why do I keep losing you
Why do I love in despair
When you’re not there
There’s no me without you
There’s no meaning to life without you
Tell me why should I care ’bout doing my hair
When I can’t stop the thinking about you
There’s no moon without you
There’s no Saturday nights without you
There’s no walk through the park
No beat in my heart
No I love you, No I can’t live without you

There’s no me without you
There’s no meaning to life without you
Tell me why should I care ’bout doing my hair
When I can’t stop the thinking about you
There’s no moon without you
There’s no Saturday nights without you
There’s no walk through the park
No beat in my heart
No I love you, No I can’t live without you
You told me everything would be cool
Said I wouldn’t always feel blue
How come I feel like a wreck
How come the skies are all gray
How come my eyes are all red
Why am I alone in bed
You told me everything would be fine
Why am I losing my mind
How come I feel like a fool
Why do I keep losing you
Why do I love in despair
When you’re not there
There’s no me without you
There’s no meaning to life without you
Tell me why should I care ’bout doing my hair
When I can’t stop the thinking about you
There’s no moon without you
There’s no Saturday nights without you
There’s no walk through the park
No beat in my heart
No I love you, No I can’t live without you
So blue for you
So deep in love with you
So hard to say bye-bye
When you know how hard I’ve tried
I, I, I tried baby
No No No No
You told me everything would be fine
Why am I losing my mind
How come I feel like a fool
Why do I keep losing you
Why do I love in despair
When you’re not there
There’s no me without you
There’s no meaning to life without you
Tell me why should I care ’bout doing my hair
When I can’t stop the thinking about you
There’s no moon without you
There’s no Saturday nights without you
There’s no walk through the park
No beat in my heart
No I love you, No I can’t live without you

本文标题:Toni Braxton_Seven Whole Days [live]歌词 Seven Whole Days [live]LRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/830886.html

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