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Against the Current_Dreaming Alone歌词 Dreaming AloneLRC歌词

歌手:Against the Current 专辑:《《Gravity》》 作词: 发行时间:
Dreaming Alone - Against the Current/TAKA
Composed by:Chrissy Costanza/Daniel Gow/Will Ferri
The story starts laying in the dark with someone new
I'm feeling tired from all the time I spent on you
But I know I'm strong from all the trouble I've been through
The story starts where the story falls apart with you
Don't lie bright eyes
Is it me that you see when you fall asleep
'Cause I know it's you I dream about every night
Giving me a feeling like
Love in the Summer
The way I've never felt with another
Don't lie bright eyes
Is it me that you see
Tell me I'm not dreaming alone
The story starts lying in the dark broken and bruised
I count the scars left in my heart from losing you
And I was wrong but let's be honest you were too
I miss the part where I was falling hard for you
So don't lie bright eyes
Is it me that you see when you fall asleep
'Cause I know it's you I dream about every night
Giving me a feeling like
Love in the Summer
The way I've never felt with another
Don't lie bright eyes
Is it me that you see
Tell me I'm not dreaming alone
I can't take back the things I said
And I won't say that I regret
Any day that I was yours
Don't lie bright eyes
I know it's me that you see when you fall asleep
And you know it's you I dream about every night
Giving me this feeling like
Love in the Summer
The way I've never felt with any another
Don't lie bright eyes
It'll always be you and me
So why are we dreaming alone
It'll always be you and me
So why are we dreaming alone
[ti:Dreaming Alone]
[ar:Against the Current/TAKA]
[00:00.00]Dreaming Alone - Against the Current/TAKA
[00:02.97]Composed by:Chrissy Costanza/Daniel Gow/Will Ferri
[00:05.94]The story starts laying in the dark with someone new
[00:12.59]I'm feeling tired from all the time I spent on you
[00:19.13]But I know I'm strong from all the trouble I've been through
[00:25.69]The story starts where the story falls apart with you
[00:33.31]Don't lie bright eyes
[00:36.73]Is it me that you see when you fall asleep
[00:39.34]'Cause I know it's you I dream about every night
[00:44.85]Giving me a feeling like
[00:46.72]Love in the Summer
[00:49.93]The way I've never felt with another
[00:53.18]Don't lie bright eyes
[00:56.62]Is it me that you see
[00:58.14]Tell me I'm not dreaming alone
[01:00.51]The story starts lying in the dark broken and bruised
[01:07.23]I count the scars left in my heart from losing you
[01:13.71]And I was wrong but let's be honest you were too
[01:20.32]I miss the part where I was falling hard for you
[01:27.43]So don't lie bright eyes
[01:31.23]Is it me that you see when you fall asleep
[01:33.82]'Cause I know it's you I dream about every night
[01:39.49]Giving me a feeling like
[01:41.22]Love in the Summer
[01:44.36]The way I've never felt with another
[01:47.73]Don't lie bright eyes
[01:51.11]Is it me that you see
[01:52.77]Tell me I'm not dreaming alone
[01:55.30]I can't take back the things I said
[01:58.49]And I won't say that I regret
[02:01.80]Any day that I was yours
[02:07.90]Don't lie bright eyes
[02:10.88]I know it's me that you see when you fall asleep
[02:13.89]And you know it's you I dream about every night
[02:19.19]Giving me this feeling like
[02:20.87]Love in the Summer
[02:24.08]The way I've never felt with any another
[02:27.52]Don't lie bright eyes
[02:30.63]It'll always be you and me
[02:32.44]So why are we dreaming alone
[02:43.84]It'll always be you and me
[02:45.74]So why are we dreaming alone

本文标题:Against the Current_Dreaming Alone歌词 Dreaming AloneLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/80417.html

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