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Vicetone_Kaleidoscope歌词 KaleidoscopeLRC歌词

歌手:Vicetone 专辑:《《Kaleidoscope》》 作词: 发行时间:
Kaleidoscope - Vicetone/Grace Grundy
I've watched the world
Seen it twist and turn
Reflected right before my eyes
Your lights they glow
What your heart don't show
The beauty that you keep inside
It's dark tonight
But our hearts they shine
Reflected from beneath our skin
The shapes and lines
That we keep inside
Illuminate from deep within
Just shimmer shimmer
The colors and the lights
They glimmer glimmer
I look into your eyes
And see it so bright
See into the kaleidoscope
Just shimmer shimmer
If only for tonight
They glimmer glimmer
A prism in the night
Gets bigger brighter
See into the kaleidoscope
It's dark tonight
But our hearts they shine
Reflected from beneath our skin
The shapes and lines
That we keep inside
Illuminate from deep within
Just shimmer shimmer
The colors and the lights
They glimmer glimmer
I look into your eyes
And see it so bright
See into the kaleidoscope
Just shimmer shimmer
If only for tonight
They glimmer glimmer
A prism in the night
Gets bigger brighter
See into the kaleidoscope
Just shimmer shimmer
If only for tonight
They glimmer glimmer
A prism in the night
Gets bigger brighter
See into the kaleidoscope
[ar:Vicetone/Grace Grundy]
[00:00.00]Kaleidoscope - Vicetone/Grace Grundy
[00:07.64]I've watched the world
[00:09.29]Seen it twist and turn
[00:11.75]Reflected right before my eyes
[00:15.34]Your lights they glow
[00:17.08]What your heart don't show
[00:19.35]The beauty that you keep inside
[00:23.34]It's dark tonight
[00:24.94]But our hearts they shine
[00:27.13]Reflected from beneath our skin
[00:30.92]The shapes and lines
[00:32.70]That we keep inside
[00:35.00]Illuminate from deep within
[00:38.67]Just shimmer shimmer
[00:40.84]The colors and the lights
[00:42.45]They glimmer glimmer
[00:44.67]I look into your eyes
[00:46.33]And see it so bright
[00:48.57]See into the kaleidoscope
[00:54.30]Just shimmer shimmer
[00:56.34]If only for tonight
[00:58.10]They glimmer glimmer
[01:00.31]A prism in the night
[01:02.08]Gets bigger brighter
[01:04.20]See into the kaleidoscope
[01:49.15]It's dark tonight
[01:50.78]But our hearts they shine
[01:53.13]Reflected from beneath our skin
[01:56.79]The shapes and lines
[01:58.57]That we keep inside
[02:00.82]Illuminate from deep within
[02:04.52]Just shimmer shimmer
[02:06.70]The colors and the lights
[02:08.31]They glimmer glimmer
[02:10.51]I look into your eyes
[02:12.18]And see it so bright
[02:14.41]See into the kaleidoscope
[02:20.15]Just shimmer shimmer
[02:22.21]If only for tonight
[02:23.89]They glimmer glimmer
[02:26.11]A prism in the night
[02:27.81]Gets bigger brighter
[02:30.15]See into the kaleidoscope
[03:14.75]Just shimmer shimmer
[03:16.85]If only for tonight
[03:18.43]They glimmer glimmer
[03:20.74]A prism in the night
[03:22.43]Gets bigger brighter
[03:24.74]See into the kaleidoscope

本文标题:Vicetone_Kaleidoscope歌词 KaleidoscopeLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/76336.html

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