首页 / 歌词 / Ryan Leslie_Out of Hte Blue歌词 Out of Hte BlueLRC歌词

Ryan Leslie_Out of Hte Blue歌词 Out of Hte BlueLRC歌词

歌手:Ryan Leslie 专辑:《RyanLeslie》 作词: 发行时间:
歌曲:Out of Hte Blue
歌手:Ryan Leslie
专辑:Ryan Leslie

Ryan Leslie - Out of Hte Blue
活在當下 制作
I light a candle for you tonight... yeh...
Said I reminisce on you, babe...
reminisce on you... yeh...
Should've spend more time...
been a part of your life...
and made you more part of mine...
guess it's too late now...
I should've been a better friend...
I done my best to understand you...
Still it's hard to think that we're done...
we through...
Now what would you do... tell me...
if I left you out of the blue...
would you fight back tears while your heart gets torn to pieces...
cause that what I did when you...
left me out of the blue...
love can feel so good and then suddenly it's over... yeh
I should've been more true... takin' better care of you...
Like I was supposed to... guess it's too late now...
I should've told you how I felt... steady thinkin' of myself...
Still I can't believe you went away so soon...
Now what would you do...
if I left you out of the blue...
would you fight back tears while your heart gets torn to pieces...
cause that's what I did when you...
when you left me out of the blue...
it's funny how love feels good and then suddenly it's over...
Now when I ask myself...
it's hard to see...
how you can be anywhere but here with me...
you said that you needed space and time...
so you would be able to make up your mind...
you said if I set you free...
one day you'll be ready to come back to me...
did you really mean it? I hope you did...
hope you ment it babe...
Now what would you do...
if I left you out of the blue...
if I left you out of the blue...
would you lose your mind and go crazy...
cause I almost died when you left me...
when you left me out of the blue...
love can feel so good and then suddenly it's over...
so what would you do... if out of the blue...
I just left you... would it make you cry...
keep you away tonight...
would it leave your heart sick and lonely...
cause that's what you did baby...
when you left me out of the blue...
it's funny how love feels good and then suddenly it's over...
That's righ... I light a candle for you tonight,
babe... yes I will, yes I will...
cause I'm missing you...
so I light a candle for you baby...
for us... for me and you...
Lalalala... lala lala... lalala... lalalala...
[ti:Out of Hte Blue]
[ar:Ryan Leslie]
[al:Ryan Leslie]
[00:01.12]Ryan Leslie - Out of Hte Blue
[00:02.95] 活在當下 制作
[00:04.69]I light a candle for you tonight... yeh...
[00:11.48]Said I reminisce on you, babe...
[00:16.38]reminisce on you... yeh...
[00:24.33]Should've spend more time...
[00:27.16]been a part of your life...
[00:29.84]and made you more part of mine...
[00:32.67]guess it's too late now...
[00:35.29]I should've been a better friend...
[00:38.10]I done my best to understand you...
[00:40.85]Still it's hard to think that we're done...
[00:43.06]we through...
[00:44.64]Now what would you do... tell me...
[00:47.58]if I left you out of the blue...
[00:50.30]would you fight back tears while your heart gets torn to pieces...
[00:54.58]cause that what I did when you...
[00:58.07]left me out of the blue...
[00:59.98]love can feel so good and then suddenly it's over... yeh
[01:08.56]I should've been more true... takin' better care of you...
[01:14.08]Like I was supposed to... guess it's too late now...
[01:19.64]I should've told you how I felt... steady thinkin' of myself...
[01:24.93]Still I can't believe you went away so soon...
[01:28.74]Now what would you do...
[01:31.73]if I left you out of the blue...
[01:34.45]would you fight back tears while your heart gets torn to pieces...
[01:38.95]cause that's what I did when you...
[01:41.89]when you left me out of the blue...
[01:45.03]it's funny how love feels good and then suddenly it's over...
[01:51.24]Now when I ask myself...
[01:52.68]it's hard to see...
[01:54.08]how you can be anywhere but here with me...
[01:56.70]you said that you needed space and time...
[01:59.50]so you would be able to make up your mind...
[02:02.20]you said if I set you free...
[02:04.91]one day you'll be ready to come back to me...
[02:08.31]did you really mean it? I hope you did...
[02:11.37]hope you ment it babe...
[02:13.68]Now what would you do...
[02:15.95]if I left you out of the blue...
[02:17.80]if I left you out of the blue...
[02:21.73]would you lose your mind and go crazy...
[02:24.12]cause I almost died when you left me...
[02:27.17]when you left me out of the blue...
[02:29.29]love can feel so good and then suddenly it's over...
[02:32.17]so what would you do... if out of the blue...
[02:38.28]I just left you... would it make you cry...
[02:41.88]keep you away tonight...
[02:44.09]would it leave your heart sick and lonely...
[02:46.95]cause that's what you did baby...
[02:49.10]when you left me out of the blue...
[02:51.53]it's funny how love feels good and then suddenly it's over...
[03:00.03]That's righ... I light a candle for you tonight,
[03:03.46]babe... yes I will, yes I will...
[03:08.88]cause I'm missing you...
[03:11.69]so I light a candle for you baby...
[03:15.16]for us... for me and you...
[03:20.70]Lalalala... lala lala... lalala... lalalala...

本文标题:Ryan Leslie_Out of Hte Blue歌词 Out of Hte BlueLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/754325.html

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