首页 / 歌词 / Prefab Sprout_Ride歌词 RideLRC歌词

Prefab Sprout_Ride歌词 RideLRC歌词

歌手:Prefab Sprout 专辑:《Let'sChangeTheWorldWithMusic》 作词: 发行时间:
歌手:Prefab Sprout
专辑:Let's Change The World With Music

Prefab Sprout - Ride
LRC: 朱古力 制作
I look around me, and I see
folks leading more constructive lives than me.
They don't do this for reward,
they are walking in the footsteps of their Lord;
and for themselves, they make no claims
they may die without the world
knowing their names.
But they will ride, ride,
home to Jesus, heads held high,
they will ride, ride,
home to Jesus, heads held high,
they will ride, ride,
home to Jesus.
Some good people, will deny
anything that they can't see with their own eye.
They don't walk, in God's light,
they just walk the way they do because it's right.
And they will ride, ride,
home to Jesus, heads held high,
they will ride, ride,
home to Jesus, heads held high,
they will ride, ride,
home to Jesus.
People hear me, who can know (who can know)
if our time on Earth's the soundcheck or the show?
Ask a good man, and there's no doubt
he'll have too much on his mind to work it out.
But he will ride, ride,
home to Jesus, head held high,
he will ride, ride,
home to Jesus, head held high,
he will ride,
home to Jesus, head held high,
he will ride, ride,
home to Jesus.
[ar:Prefab Sprout]
[al:Let's Change The World With Music]
[00:00.00]Prefab Sprout - Ride
[03:58.39][00:08.00]LRC: 朱古力 制作
[00:23.01]I look around me, and I see
[00:31.34]folks leading more constructive lives than me.
[00:39.03]They don't do this for reward,
[00:46.77]they are walking in the footsteps of their Lord;
[00:54.74]and for themselves, they make no claims
[01:02.85]they may die without the world
[01:06.55]knowing their names.
[01:10.93]But they will ride, ride,
[01:15.88]home to Jesus, heads held high,
[01:19.20]they will ride, ride,
[01:23.81]home to Jesus, heads held high,
[01:27.07]they will ride, ride,
[01:31.89]home to Jesus.
[01:34.73]Some good people, will deny
[01:42.90]anything that they can't see with their own eye.
[01:50.74]They don't walk, in God's light,
[01:58.78]they just walk the way they do because it's right.
[02:06.54]And they will ride, ride,
[02:11.49]home to Jesus, heads held high,
[02:14.78]they will ride, ride,
[02:19.45]home to Jesus, heads held high,
[02:22.65]they will ride, ride,
[02:27.35]home to Jesus.
[02:4***0]People hear me, who can know (who can know)
[02:54.25]if our time on Earth's the soundcheck or the show?
[03:02.40]Ask a good man, and there's no doubt
[03:10.24]he'll have too much on his mind to work it out.
[03:18.02]But he will ride, ride,
[03:23.02]home to Jesus, head held high,
[03:26.29]he will ride, ride,
[03:30.92]home to Jesus, head held high,
[03:34.22]he will ride,
[03:38.89]home to Jesus, head held high,
[03:42.46]he will ride, ride,
[03:46.89]home to Jesus.

本文标题:Prefab Sprout_Ride歌词 RideLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/753863.html

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