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Amorphis_Sampo歌词 SampoLRC歌词

歌手:Amorphis 专辑:《Skyforger》 作词: 发行时间:

Amorphis - Sampo
@ 活在當下 制作
Sparks sent flying, My mind thundering
The room of my heart flashing to the sky
The flaring of fumes fill my senses
Pervade this room and this space
The days they blend into the nights
The moon, the sun unite
Order of stars expires
A wonder is born
I listen and aim, I observe
I use all the forces and let it transpire
I confront the darkness absolute
And blinding, dazzling brilliance
The days they blend into the nights
The moon, the sun unite
Order of stars expires
A wonder is born
The days they blend into the nights
The moon, the sun unite
Order of stars expires
A wonder is born
From roaring flames the shapes emerge
Come forth they do with vile charms
Their poisoned core hides in beauty
But I see and perceive their deceit, I see
Into the blaze I shove them back
To lose their forms to the hungry fire
Again and yet again
I start my work anew
Again and again
I start my work again
The days they blend into the nights
The moon, the sun unite
Order of stars expires
A wonder is born
The days they blend into the nights
The moon, the sun unite
Order of stars expires
A wonder is born
[00:01.12]Amorphis - Sampo
[00:09.73] @ 活在當下 制作
[00:32.87]Sparks sent flying, My mind thundering
[00:36.98]The room of my heart flashing to the sky
[00:40.71]The flaring of fumes fill my senses
[00:44.69]Pervade this room and this space
[00:48.75]The days they blend into the nights
[00:54.92]The moon, the sun unite
[00:58.88]Order of stars expires
[01:02.26]A wonder is born
[01:20.44]I listen and aim, I observe
[01:25.13]I use all the forces and let it transpire
[01:29.36]I confront the darkness absolute
[01:33.37]And blinding, dazzling brilliance
[01:36.97]The days they blend into the nights
[01:43.42]The moon, the sun unite
[01:47.40]Order of stars expires
[01:50.72]A wonder is born
[01:53.56]The days they blend into the nights
[01:59.61]The moon, the sun unite
[02:03.59]Order of stars expires
[02:06.98]A wonder is born
[02:59.32]From roaring flames the shapes emerge
[03:07.49]Come forth they do with vile charms
[03:15.91]Their poisoned core hides in beauty
[03:24.16]But I see and perceive their deceit, I see
[04:08.87]Into the blaze I shove them back
[04:15.06]To lose their forms to the hungry fire
[04:21.12]Again and yet again
[04:24.26]I start my work anew
[04:27.20]Again and again
[04:30.34]I start my work again
[04:5***8]The days they blend into the nights
[05:02.59]The moon, the sun unite
[05:06.56]Order of stars expires
[05:09.83]A wonder is born
[05:12.71]The days they blend into the nights
[05:18.79]The moon, the sun unite
[05:22.76]Order of stars expires
[05:42.29]A wonder is born

本文标题:Amorphis_Sampo歌词 SampoLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/745777.html

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