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moumoon_Hallelujah歌词 HallelujahLRC歌词

歌手:moumoon 专辑:《青い月とアンビバレンスな愛》 作词: 发行时间:

They're not afraind of anything
Living in a bubble, a"Peaceful World"
Until it popped like babel
Everything went to nothing again
Eight thousand miles away from here
Moving across those galaxies
Towards the planet of heaven
We left to find the brand new"home sweet home"
Imaginary, and so freely
I fly up in to the silver sky
And I will come just for you
You wanna know what's up there?
Then I'll show you
Here, open eyes
So, not so long
Till the dawn
Feel the sorrow
But, not so wrong
Yet, not strong
It's not so long
Before the dawn
Trimillennium in Tokyo
Let's not go wrong
Yet, we're not strong
The day we mourn
Bofore the dawn
Cause, everything was perfect
Maybe that's why they became so numb
I've never thought of the day
The day of the end of that world
So blinded by selfishness
The midnight sun broke through the clouds
Ash to ash, dust to dust
The golden hills came crumbling down
We had built up, and broke it down
It's always the same way on and on
And I screwed up
Then started over
I hear the footsteps coming
The beginning of the end
Do you hear that?
Till nothing still remains
Let's not go wrong
Yet, we're not strong
The day we mourn
Bofore the dawn
Trimillennium in Tokyo
Let's not go wrong
Yet, we're not strong
The day we mourn
Bofore the dawn
Trimillennium in Tokyo
Let's not go wrong
Yet, we're not strong
It's not so long
Bofore the dawn
Either, future or past
What I said was just a dream of a dream
[00:01.38]They're not afraind of anything
[00:03.76]Living in a bubble, a"Peaceful World"
[00:07.96]Until it popped like babel
[00:10.49]Everything went to nothing again
[00:14.72]Eight thousand miles away from here
[00:17.25]Moving across those galaxies
[00:21.31]Towards the planet of heaven
[00:23.87]We left to find the brand new"home sweet home"
[00:28.31]Imaginary, and so freely
[00:31.48]I fly up in to the silver sky
[00:34.88]And I will come just for you
[00:38.17]You wanna know what's up there?
[00:41.04]Then I'll show you
[00:42.45]Here, open eyes
[00:44.28]So, not so long
[00:49.30]Till the dawn
[00:52.66]Feel the sorrow
[00:55.90]But, not so wrong
[00:59.31]Yet, not strong
[01:02.32]It's not so long
[01:05.63]Before the dawn
[01:16.15]Trimillennium in Tokyo
[01:22.55]Let's not go wrong
[01:26.22]Yet, we're not strong
[01:29.08]The day we mourn
[01:32.47]Bofore the dawn
[01:38.44]Cause, everything was perfect
[01:41.12]Maybe that's why they became so numb
[01:45.21]I've never thought of the day
[01:47.68]The day of the end of that world
[01:51.97]So blinded by selfishness
[01:54.49]The midnight sun broke through the clouds
[01:58.63]Ash to ash, dust to dust
[02:01.35]The golden hills came crumbling down
[02:05.39]We had built up, and broke it down
[02:08.91]It's always the same way on and on
[02:12.10]And I screwed up
[02:13.80]Then started over
[02:15.53]I hear the footsteps coming
[02:18.19]The beginning of the end
[02:20.84]Do you hear that?
[02:26.52]Till nothing still remains
[02:32.84]Let's not go wrong
[02:36.27]Yet, we're not strong
[02:39.80]The day we mourn
[02:42.89]Bofore the dawn
[03:20.33]Trimillennium in Tokyo
[03:26.81]Let's not go wrong
[03:30.27]Yet, we're not strong
[03:33.38]The day we mourn
[03:36.80]Bofore the dawn
[03:47.05]Trimillennium in Tokyo
[03:53.49]Let's not go wrong
[03:56.80]Yet, we're not strong
[04:00.16]It's not so long
[04:03.44]Bofore the dawn
[04:10.03]Either, future or past
[04:12.24]What I said was just a dream of a dream
[04:18.73] 賴潤誠制作

本文标题:moumoon_Hallelujah歌词 HallelujahLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/740265.html

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