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影视歌曲_Little Lotte...The mirror歌词 Little Lotte...The mirrorLRC歌词

歌手:影视歌曲 专辑:《PhantomoftheOpera歌剧魅影·原声》 作词: 发行时间:
Little Lotte / The mirror
RAOUL: "Little Lotte let her mind wander . . ."
CHRISTINE: You remember that, too . . .
RAOUL: "Little Lotte thought: Am I fonder of dolls..."
BOTH: ". . . or of goblins, of shoes . . ."
CHRISTINE: ". . . or of riddles. of frocks . . ."
RAOUL: Those picnics in the attic . . .
". . . or of chocolates . . ."
CHRISTINE: Father playing the violin . . .
RAOUL: As we read to each other dark stories of the North
CHRISTINE: "No what I love best, Lotte said,
is when I'm asleep in my bed,
and the Angel of Music sings songs in my head!"
BOTH: "the Angel of Music sings song in my head!"
(RAOUL left. Tremulous music)
PHANTOM'S VOICE: Insolent boy!
This slave of fashion
basking in your glory!
Ignorant fool!
This brave young suitor,
sharing in my triumph!
CHRISTINE: Angel! I hear! You speak I listen
stay by my side, guide me!
Angel, my soul was weak - forgive me
enter at last, Master!
PHANTOM'S VOICE: Flattering child, you shall know me,
see why in shadow I hide!
Look at your face in the mirror -
I am there inside! (See the PHANTOM behind the mirror)
CHRISTINE: Angel of Music! Guide and guardian!
Grant to me your glory!
Angel of Music! Hide no longer!
Come to me, strange angel!
PHANTOM'S VOICE: I am your Angel
Come to me: Angel of Music...
(Outside the door, RAOUL returns)
RAOUL: Whose is that voice?
Who is that in there?
(Inside the room the mirror opens)
PHANTOM: I am your Angel of Music
Come to me: Angel of Music
(CHRISTINE disappears through the mirror)
RAOUL: (find the room empty)
Christine! Angel!
LRC: yangchencen
[00:00.00]Little Lotte / The mirror
[00:03.00]RAOUL: "Little Lotte let her mind wander . . ."
[00:06.92]CHRISTINE: You remember that, too . . .
[00:08.00]RAOUL: "Little Lotte thought: Am I fonder of dolls..."
[00:13.45]BOTH: ". . . or of goblins, of shoes . . ."
[00:16.24]CHRISTINE: ". . . or of riddles. of frocks . . ."
[00:17.75]RAOUL: Those picnics in the attic . . .
[00:19.73]". . . or of chocolates . . ."
[00:22.08]CHRISTINE: Father playing the violin . . .
[00:23.73]RAOUL: As we read to each other dark stories of the North
[00:29.02]CHRISTINE: "No what I love best, Lotte said,
[00:33.47]is when I'm asleep in my bed,
[00:38.62]and the Angel of Music sings songs in my head!"
[00:43.81]BOTH: "the Angel of Music sings song in my head!"
[00:51.55](RAOUL left. Tremulous music)
[00:55.81]PHANTOM'S VOICE: Insolent boy!
[00:57.89]This slave of fashion
[01:00.47]basking in your glory!
[01:05.31]Ignorant fool!
[01:07.89]This brave young suitor,
[01:11.35]sharing in my triumph!
[01:17.40]CHRISTINE: Angel! I hear! You speak I listen
[01:22.60]stay by my side, guide me!
[01:27.79]Angel, my soul was weak - forgive me
[01:33.25]enter at last, Master!
[01:38.54]PHANTOM'S VOICE: Flattering child, you shall know me,
[01:43.36]see why in shadow I hide!
[01:48.22]Look at your face in the mirror -
[01:52.33]I am there inside! (See the PHANTOM behind the mirror)
[01:58.94]CHRISTINE: Angel of Music! Guide and guardian!
[02:04.27]Grant to me your glory!
[02:09.93]Angel of Music! Hide no longer!
[02:15.33]Come to me, strange angel!
[02:21.44]PHANTOM'S VOICE: I am your Angel
[02:24.95]Come to me: Angel of Music...
[02:30.38](Outside the door, RAOUL returns)
[02:31.20]RAOUL: Whose is that voice?
[02:32.51]Who is that in there?
[02:33.52](Inside the room the mirror opens)
[02:34.18]PHANTOM: I am your Angel of Music
[02:40.11]Come to me: Angel of Music
[02:44.73](CHRISTINE disappears through the mirror)
[02:45.89]RAOUL: (find the room empty)
[02:46.60]Christine! Angel!
[02:47.50]LRC: yangchencen

本文标题:影视歌曲_Little Lotte...The mirror歌词 Little Lotte...The mirrorLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/687349.html

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    爱我别走_,卢广仲的一首歌曲,D,,变调夹夹第三品。爱我别走,完整版共四张弹唱图片谱,出品,上传更新。蔡健雅新歌大概是最具辨识度的歌,他干净干净的嗓音带着沙哑质感的独特曲风唱出爱情的苦涩与伤痛。讲述了最近热门网络,最后该曲也是电影中的插曲。歌曲中的故事很悲伤,饱含着爱的深切感觉,刻画出了两个人在感情里面相爱相离,受到伤害后痛苦无法忘记。,歌词欣赏:因为我在想你 HOHO,爱我别走,如果你说 你不爱我,不要听见你真的说出口,再给我一点温柔,爱我别走,如果

  • 周杰伦《爱我别走》C调吉他谱周杰伦《爱我别走》C调吉他谱


    爱我别走__李荣浩_C调简单版弹唱谱_,是由李荣浩作词、的一首歌。李荣浩以自己独特的风格征服了无数听众,这首歌充满了极具异域风情的味道,饱含着一种极具浪漫色彩的浪漫,深深地打动了很多人,给大家带来了欢乐的生活画面,深深地打动了很多人。歌曲音调单一,但是整体难度不大,主要在节奏上面,有一些琶音,弹唱难度不大,比较容易练习,可以先练熟练的,再练习一下。,歌词欣赏:爱我别走,如果你说 你不爱我,不要听见你真的说出口,再给我一点温柔,不要听见你真的说

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    加州旅馆里有好多火红的灯笼,有冷艳精致的玩具,有温暖温暖的旅馆,这里是看起来非常热情的面包店,要是你来的话一定会觉得很舒服。正如图片上的那样,面包店的超级正能量和热度就像寒冷的冬季,只有在冬天才能绽放自己的光彩。这首歌曲的歌曲不需要歇斯底里的情感,听他的声音就会生出一种甜甜的味道,让人十分享受。,歌词欣赏:on a dark desert hi

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