首页 / 歌词 / Queensberry_Girl like me歌词 Girl like meLRC歌词

Queensberry_Girl like me歌词 Girl like meLRC歌词

歌手:Queensberry 专辑:《》 作词: 发行时间:
Come on every boy,
tell me whatcha need,
a crazy girl,
someone like me.
Oh boy, your single and free
You like to play hard
live dangerously.
Oh boy, at the tip of your hand
anything you ask for
you can demand.
Oh boy, do you ever get bored
gettin what you want
and more.
Whatcha need is someone like you
who's gonna blow your pretty world in two.
Whatcha playin' round
doesn't bother me
I'm not in a rush coz I can see
that a boy like you needs a crazy girl like me
What d'ya paint the town
cruisin' up 'n down
pickin' all the cherries off the tree
but a boy like you needs a crazy girl like me.
It's no joke, it's funny to be
starin' at you
but all I'm seeing is me.
Like you I like to live loud
if your looking for a good time
with a cute sound.
It's fun, spending hard cash
but it's over in a flash.
Whatcha need is someone like me
who's blow your pretty world for free.
Whatcha playin' round
doesn't bother me
I'm not in a rush coz I can see
that a
Come on every boy,
tell me whatcha need,
a crazy girl,
someone like me.
Oh boy, your single and free
You like to play hard
live dangerously.
Oh boy, at the tip of your hand
anything you ask for
you can demand.
Oh boy, do you ever get bored
gettin what you want
and more.
Whatcha need is someone like you
who's gonna blow your pretty world in two.
Whatcha playin' round
doesn't bother me
I'm not in a rush coz I can see
that a boy like you needs a crazy girl like me
What d'ya paint the town
cruisin' up 'n down
pickin' all the cherries off the tree
but a boy like you needs a crazy girl like me.
It's no joke, it's funny to be
starin' at you
but all I'm seeing is me.
Like you I like to live loud
if your looking for a good time
with a cute sound.
It's fun, spending hard cash
but it's over in a flash.
Whatcha need is someone like me
who's blow your pretty world for free.
Whatcha playin' round
doesn't bother me
I'm not in a rush coz I can see
that a boy like you needs a crazy girl like me
What d'ya paint the town
cruisin' up 'n down
pickin' all the cherries off the tree
but a boy like you needs a crazy girl like me.
Give me a crazy girl
someone who's gonna show me such a good time
Give me a crazy girl
Come on we can give you what you need
Give me a crazy girl
someone who's gonna show me such a good time, good time.
Whatcha need is Someone like me.
Whatcha playin' round
doesn't bother me
I'm not in a rush coz I can see
that a boy like you needs a crazy girl like me
What d'ya paint the town
cruisin' up 'n down
pickin' all the cherries off the tree
but a boy like you needs a crazy girl like me.
Whatcha playin' round
doesn't bother me
I'm not in a rush coz I can see
that a boy like you needs a crazy girl like me.
Why'd ya do the things
that make you who you are
can't you see it's written in the stars
that a boy like you needs a crazy girl like me
that a boy like you needs a crazy girl like me
that a boy like you needs a crazy girl like me
You can play around
it doesn't bother me
I'm not in a rush coz I see...................

本文标题:Queensberry_Girl like me歌词 Girl like meLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/574608.html

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