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Leann Rimes_Rimes One Day Too Long歌词 Rimes One Day Too LongLRC歌词

歌手:Leann Rimes 专辑:《》 作词:张峡浩&曲婉婷 发行时间:

One Day - 张峡浩&曲婉婷
One day, if someone wakes me up
Please don't tell me the truth
that we had the same story before
Someday, if I'm still in this world
please crush me in your arms
Cause I fear I'm going to die
I thought I am strong
it's hard to say what would be wrong
Too far from what we've believed
I thought I am strong
when you held me for so long
And now my voice is gone
One day, you came into my dream
Sat next to me and said you wanted to be free
I said one day, you will be free
Just know that you are strong
Don't be gone for too long, if you do
Just follow my voice in this song
You'll come around
One day, if someone wakes me up
Please don't tell me the truth
that we had the same story before
One day, you broke my heart,
You took my dream and stole my soul
you left me alone with nothin
[ti:One Day]
[00:00.00]One Day - 张峡浩&曲婉婷
[00:22.84]One day, if someone wakes me up
[00:27.54]Please don't tell me the truth
[00:30.05]that we had the same story before
[00:32.94]Someday, if I'm still in this world
[00:37.58]please crush me in your arms
[00:40.13]Cause I fear I'm going to die
[00:43.41]I thought I am strong
[00:46.03]it's hard to say what would be wrong
[00:49.79]Too far from what we've believed
[00:53.74]I thought I am strong
[00:56.56]when you held me for so long
[01:00.03]And now my voice is gone
[01:03.78]One day, you came into my dream
[01:08.34]Sat next to me and said you wanted to be free
[01:13.87]I said one day, you will be free
[01:23.63]Just know that you are strong
[01:28.83]Don't be gone for too long, if you do
[01:35.47]Just follow my voice in this song
[01:38.90]You'll come around
[02:07.23]One day, if someone wakes me up
[02:11.60]Please don't tell me the truth
[02:14.15]that we had the same story before
[02:17.16]One day, you broke my heart,
[02:22.07]You took my dream and stole my soul
[02:24.54]you left me alone with nothing to say
[02:27.99]I thought I am strong
[02:30.30]it's hard to say what would be wrong
[02:34.29]Too far from what we've believed
[02:38.18]I thought I am strong
[02:40.89]when you held me for so long
[02:44.34]And now my voice is gone
[02:47.81]One day, you came into my dream
[02:52.71]Sat next to me and said you wanted to be free
[02:57.65]I said one day, you will be free
[03:07.88]Just know that you are strong
[03:13.10]Don't be gone for too long, if you do
[03:18.26]Just follow my voice in this song
[03:23.27]You'll come around
[03:50.02]One day, you came into my dream
[03:54.80]Sat next to me and said you wanted to be free
[04:00.13]I said one day, you will be free
[04:10.53]Just know that you are strong
[04:15.73]Don't be gone for too long, if you do
[04:20.89]Just follow my voice in this song
[04:25.69]You'll come around
[04:30.77]You'll come around


本文标题:Leann Rimes_Rimes One Day Too Long歌词 Rimes One Day Too LongLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/571514.html

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