首页 / 歌词 / WAX_She is a tears歌词 She is a tearsLRC歌词

WAX_She is a tears歌词 She is a tearsLRC歌词

歌手:WAX 专辑:《》 作词: 发行时间:

Jason Michael Carroll - Tears
@ 活在當下 制作
I paid first and last month's rent
I wondered why I'm even carrying that old bed of mine
It is not like I ever sleep
All I do is to think of her
And wonder how I am gonna make tings work
Coz I know as a dad I've got a lot of responsibilites
Even though God gave this gift to the both of us
Somehow every other weekend is how it ended up
So when the telephone rings
I drop everything
Cause when all you got is that 8 o'clock
Nite nite daddy miss you a lot
I stop in my tracks
And I try to act strong when she calls
And I thank God
she can't hear tears when they fall
Now its her Dr. Seuss and me
and she's learning how to read
And I cant see those pictures
but I can hear those pages turn
And her mum says it bath time
so she blows a kiss through the line
I do
[ar:Jason Michael Carroll]
[al:Growing Up Is Getting Old]
[00:01.12]Jason Michael Carroll - Tears
[00:09.73] @ 活在當下 制作
[00:29.16]I paid first and last month's rent
[00:32.75]I wondered why I'm even carrying that old bed of mine
[00:37.54]It is not like I ever sleep
[00:42.96]All I do is to think of her
[00:46.71]And wonder how I am gonna make tings work
[00:49.76]Coz I know as a dad I've got a lot of responsibilites
[00:57.27]Even though God gave this gift to the both of us
[01:03.29]Somehow every other weekend is how it ended up
[01:11.98]So when the telephone rings
[01:15.18]I drop everything
[01:17.50]Cause when all you got is that 8 o'clock
[01:21.36]Nite nite daddy miss you a lot
[01:24.45]I stop in my tracks
[01:27.80]And I try to act strong when she calls
[01:34.39]And I thank God
[01:36.65]she can't hear tears when they fall
[01:49.74]Now its her Dr. Seuss and me
[01:53.12]and she's learning how to read
[01:55.96]And I cant see those pictures
[01:58.43]but I can hear those pages turn
[02:02.78]And her mum says it bath time
[02:06.33]so she blows a kiss through the line
[02:09.87]I don't know what's worse
[02:12.01]saying goodbye or talking to her
[02:17.70]Coz I'm the one who should be there tucking her in the bed
[02:23.98]But since her voice is all I have
[02:27.68]I'm thankful for what I get
[02:32.51]so when the telephone rings
[02:35.73]I drop everything
[02:37.95]Coz when all you got is that 8 o'clock
[02:41.81]Nite nite daddy miss you a lot
[02:44.96]I stop in my tracks
[02:48.29]And I try to act strong when she calls
[02:54.92]And I thank God she can't hear tears
[03:02.34]If she knew I was crying
[03:05.67]she might think it's her fault
[03:09.31]oh but that's just me missing her
[03:13.38]Every time we talk
[03:22.47]Every time we talk
[03:31.85]So when the telephone rings
[03:35.06]I drop everything
[03:37.40]Coz when all you got is that 8 o'clock
[03:41.19]Nite nite daddy miss you a lot
[03:44.33]I stop in my tracks
[03:47.75]And I try to act strong when she calls
[03:54.53]And I thank God she can't hear tears
[04:04.73]when they fall


本文标题:WAX_She is a tears歌词 She is a tearsLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/546431.html

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