首页 / 歌词 / Citybeat_found of love歌词 found of loveLRC歌词

Citybeat_found of love歌词 found of loveLRC歌词

歌手:Citybeat 专辑:《》 作词: 发行时间:

Leona Lewis - Lost Then Found (Featuring OneRepublic)
@ 活在當下 制作
Staring at tears on the pages..
Of letters I never could've write..
I know love isn't painless,
but its what there is, its worth the fight.
Play it over, and over..
I wish I could turn back time, baby ..
We were wrong, but we could be right.
Why do we say things we can't take back?
Why do we miss what we never had ..
Both of us fell to the ground,
The love was so lost, it couldn't be found.
Why do you tend to forget whose vain,
I'm tired of crying out at the sound of your name
Why don't we turn this around, loving the enemy..
Don't you want to be lost then found?
Lost then found, lost then found ..
Loving the enemy
We could be lost then found
Empty glasses on tables, echoes fill these rooms..
The memories go where we go,
Then like the subc
[ti:Lost Then Found]
[ar:Leona Lewis]
[00:00.62]Leona Lewis - Lost Then Found (Featuring OneRepublic)
[00:06.23] @ 活在當下 制作
[00:13.90]Staring at tears on the pages..
[00:17.39]Of letters I never could've write..
[00:20.96]I know love isn't painless,
[00:24.44]but its what there is, its worth the fight.
[00:28.04]Play it over, and over..
[00:31.44]I wish I could turn back time, baby ..
[00:34.64]We were wrong, but we could be right.
[00:38.87]Why do we say things we can't take back?
[00:42.23]Why do we miss what we never had ..
[00:45.79]Both of us fell to the ground,
[00:48.56]The love was so lost, it couldn't be found.
[00:52.86]Why do you tend to forget whose vain,
[00:5***1]I'm tired of crying out at the sound of your name
[00:59.94]Why don't we turn this around, loving the enemy..
[01:05.06]Don't you want to be lost then found?
[01:09.72]Lost then found, lost then found ..
[01:17.01]Loving the enemy
[01:18.99]We could be lost then found
[01:24.67]Empty glasses on tables, echoes fill these rooms..
[01:31.20]The memories go where we go,
[01:36.69]Then like the subcase that you never lose..
[01:38.58]If theres another upon me, I swear to make things right..
[01:44.92]Whatever we lost, I know we can find..
[01:51.21]Why do we say things we can't take back?
[01:54.57]Why do we miss what we never had ..
[01:58.12]Both of us fell to the ground,
[02:01.40]The love was so lost, it couldn't be found.
[02:05.24]Why do you tend to forget whose vain,
[02:08.84]I'm tired of crying out at the sound of your name
[02:12.20]Why don't we turn this around, loving the enemy..
[02:17.24]Don't you want to be lost then found?
[02:20.06]No words can come without...
[02:21.44]Can't stop the rain, I wish you could take it back
[02:25.91]But its too late, too late ...
[02:42.40]Why do we say things we can't take back?
[02:45.53]Why do we miss what we never had ..
[02:49.30]Both of us fell to the ground,
[02:52.13]The love was so lost, it couldn't be found.
[02:56.82]Why do you tend to forget whose vain,
[02:59.89]I'm tired of crying out at the sound of your name
[03:03.42]Why don't we turn this around, loving the enemy..
[03:08.57]Don't you want to be lost then found?
[03:13.00]Lost then found, lost then found..
[03:20.49]Loving the enemy
[03:22.89]We could be lost then found
[03:24.92]The world's are pouring out, can't stop the rain
[03:29.01]Wish you could take it back but it's too late
[03:33.86]It's too late
[03:36.96]We could be lost then found


本文标题:Citybeat_found of love歌词 found of loveLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/545249.html

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    花房姑娘是由四小共女的一首歌曲,这首歌的歌词中写道:她来的突然,我想要的,她去的是我所有事情的前奏,这首慢板抒情歌曲也成为毕业于考场必点。爱晚亭的前奏是一个开K歌的甜美气息,曲调柔和优美,唯美浪漫,温柔,让每个音符都变得美好而静谧,歌声温婉清幽,轻吟浅唱。这个小姐姐最喜欢的地方是姑娘的甜,甜蜜得像是蜜糖,甜蜜得如同恋人的糖果。,歌词欣赏:你说我世上最坚强 我你要我留在这地方 你要我和它们一样,我看着你默默地说 噢.不能这样,

  • 崔健《花房姑娘》G调吉他谱崔健《花房姑娘》G调吉他谱


    花房姑娘是一首民谣歌曲,由裘海正作词、,这首歌曲由黄义达作曲,黄义达和佟麟作曲。旋律优美,平实而不失甜美,慵懒而不失洒脱,充满温馨,悲伤而又美好。“欢快的人啊,看似怀念却又不忘怀念”的歌谣,一颦一笑间,牵动了听众的心弦,将这首歌表现的淋漓尽致。民谣有三:姑娘,吉他,南北方。听者有三:香烟、孤独、还有酒。姑娘是爱情,吉他是理想,南北是远方。香烟和酒是过往...,歌词欣赏:我就要回到老地方 我就要走在老路上,我明知我已离不开你! 噢.姑娘!

  • 崔健《花房姑娘》G调吉他谱崔健《花房姑娘》G调吉他谱


    花房姑娘_完成。花房姑娘是一首很适合听的歌,旋律优美,虽然歌词不是那么的好听的歌,但是也是有一定的功效,哪怕一生只有两天,也一定会让人想到了这首歌曲的前奏,再到第三段尾奏和第三段中奏,这首歌曲更加让人听了后心花怒放,令人感动。民谣有三:姑娘,吉他,南北方。听者有三:香烟、孤独、还有酒。姑娘是爱情,吉他是理想,南北是远方。香烟和酒是过往...,歌词欣赏:我明知我已离不开你! 噢.姑娘!,我就要回到老地方 我就要我明知我已离不开你! 噢.姑娘!

  • 周杰伦《爱我别走》C调吉他谱周杰伦《爱我别走》C调吉他谱


    爱我别走_,新浴的经典插曲,爱我别走吉他弹唱谱,,共谱,,琴友们可以参考弹唱视频,共谱。吉他弹唱视频讲解:这是汪峰首张专辑的主题曲,当年轻的听众在歌手背后时,是一句:恨我别走,我离开,不知我多久。此版本的曲谱来源于小磊吉他教室扒谱制谱,这里歌曲了C调指法根据原版进行时可根据自己的嗓音情况夹变调夹。有一定难度,不知道大家有没有练习。,歌词欣赏:我没有你的消息,因为我在想你,爱我别走,如果你说 你不爱我,不要听见你真的说出口,再给我一点温

  • 周杰伦《爱我别走》C调吉他谱周杰伦《爱我别走》C调吉他谱



  • 周杰伦《爱我别走》C调吉他谱周杰伦《爱我别走》C调吉他谱


    爱我别走__李荣浩_C调简单版弹唱谱_,是由李荣浩作词、的一首歌。李荣浩以自己独特的风格征服了无数听众,这首歌充满了极具异域风情的味道,饱含着一种极具浪漫色彩的浪漫,深深地打动了很多人,给大家带来了欢乐的生活画面,深深地打动了很多人。歌曲音调单一,但是整体难度不大,主要在节奏上面,有一些琶音,弹唱难度不大,比较容易练习,可以先练熟练的,再练习一下。,歌词欣赏:爱我别走,如果你说 你不爱我,不要听见你真的说出口,再给我一点温柔,不要听见你真的

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    加州旅馆是一个甜蜜的旋律,是一个温暖的词汇,无论你听的是不开心的,还是伤心的,但请不要放弃,不要放弃,相信魔法总会回来的,在这里小编的版本也非常不错,推荐,此版本的曲谱来源于无限延音扒谱制谱,这里歌曲的曲谱来源于吴先生扒谱制谱,这里歌曲了C调指法根据原版进行时需要降半音调弦,这首歌的调指法也比较简单,前奏是间奏,使用了一些切音技巧,指法也比较简单,另外,弹唱时需要注意一下右手的节奏,有些地方会有小技巧,如果需要多加练习,也不必太麻烦!,歌词欣赏:this could be heaven or this could b

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    加州旅馆里有好多火红的灯笼,有冷艳精致的玩具,有温暖温暖的旅馆,这里是看起来非常热情的面包店,要是你来的话一定会觉得很舒服。正如图片上的那样,面包店的超级正能量和热度就像寒冷的冬季,只有在冬天才能绽放自己的光彩。这首歌曲的歌曲不需要歇斯底里的情感,听他的声音就会生出一种甜甜的味道,让人十分享受。,歌词欣赏:i saw a shimmering light,my head gre