首页 / 歌词 / Skid row[穷街]_row[穷街] thick is the skin歌词 row[穷街] thick is the skinLRC歌词

Skid row[穷街]_row[穷街] thick is the skin歌词 row[穷街] thick is the skinLRC歌词

歌手:Skid row[穷街] 专辑:《》 作词: 发行时间:

Tilly and the Wall - Alligator Skin
卜超 制作
Oh, I just don't get it, can't seem to make sense
I got some jumbled up thoughts in my jumbled up head
I keep stumbling around on some jumbled up legs
I keep grumbling out some jumbled up text
Holding up both sides on the side of the road
Holding up your store, holding up your home
With the evening news of filth and wounds
A picket and a funeral on Sunday afternoon
Oh, that light shines bright in your eyes
You gotta find your confidence, learn your lines
Pick your class, pick your crime
Better take a breath, take it quick
'Cause it's piling up, yeah, the layer's getting thick
And, oh, I just can't seem to find the time
Alligator skin
Oh yeah, you know that's how it is
Oh yeah, you know that's how it is
Trash piling
Oh yeah, you know that's how
[ti:Alligator Skin]
[ar:Tilly and the Wall]
[00:01.66]Tilly and the Wall - Alligator Skin
[00:03.50] 卜超 制作
[00:05.18]Oh, I just don't get it, can't seem to make sense
[00:08.55]I got some jumbled up thoughts in my jumbled up head
[00:11.91]I keep stumbling around on some jumbled up legs
[00:15.21]I keep grumbling out some jumbled up text
[00:18.76]Holding up both sides on the side of the road
[00:22.13]Holding up your store, holding up your home
[00:25.53]With the evening news of filth and wounds
[00:29.40]A picket and a funeral on Sunday afternoon
[00:32.81]Oh, that light shines bright in your eyes
[00:35.89]You gotta find your confidence, learn your lines
[00:39.20]Pick your class, pick your crime
[00:42.69]Better take a breath, take it quick
[00:45.82]'Cause it's piling up, yeah, the layer's getting thick
[00:49.59]And, oh, I just can't seem to find the time
[00:53.30]Alligator skin
[00:55.43]Oh yeah, you know that's how it is
[00:58.69]Oh yeah, you know that's how it is
[01:00.87]Trash piling
[01:02.16]Oh yeah, you know that's how it is
[01:06.63]When it's all so boring, 99 cents
[01:10.08]Up in your face, you know they got it
[01:13.13]Got plastic stacked on cheap bank cubes
[01:17.30]A perfect place for them to hang their noose
[01:20.11]And everyone's got a buy and they talk,
[01:23.25]talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk about it
[01:28.48]And they draw some line and make some point
[01:31.76]Which way is right
[01:33.81]And, oh, I just can't seem to find the time and that light shines bright in your eyes
[01:41.77]Alligator skin
[01:42.58]Oh yeah, you know that's how it is
[01:46.11]Oh yeah, you know that's how it is
[01:48.40]Trash piling
[01:49.58]Oh yeah, you know that's how it is
[01:55.71]Alligator skin
[01:56.36]Oh yeah, you know that's how it is
[01:59.74]Oh yeah, you know that's how it is
[02:02.03]Trash piling
[02:03.06]Oh yeah, you know that's how it's got to be
[02:05.14]Oh no!
[02:10.20]Yeah, it's got to be
[02:11.73]Oh no!
[02:12.21]That's how it's got to be
[02:15.02]That's how it's got to be


本文标题:Skid row[穷街]_row[穷街] thick is the skin歌词 row[穷街] thick is the skinLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/535601.html

《Skid row[穷街]_row[穷街] thick is the skin歌词 row[穷街] thick is the skinLRC歌词》相关曲谱及歌词来源于互联网或网友上传分享,仅供个人学习、交流、欣赏使用,版权归属原作者所有,如有侵犯到您的权益,请联系我们,我们会及时处理。


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