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Tangerine Dream[橘红梦/_Dream[橘红梦/ back to the race歌词 Dream[橘红梦/ back to the raceLRC歌词

歌手:Tangerine Dream[橘红梦/ 专辑:《》 作词: 发行时间:
作詞:Lynn Hobday
作曲:Daisuke Asakura
On the road - no looking back
We're on our way and we are right on track
A getaway under a hazy sky
The setting sun is shining in our eyes
Hold on tight - I'm driving fast
The time has come for us to take a chance
We're getting our before the overload
The engine roars, it's ready to explode
Saying goodbye to the dark clouds of yesterday
Making a future
Come ride with me
Come on believe in me
Chase the morning, find the dream
Racing at a speed that you won't believe
Feel the thrill of the wind in your hair
I feel the energy now you are here with me
Chase the morning, seize the dream
Push it to the limit, we are running free
Feel the thrill of the wind in your hair
We'll see the dawn again
Ride through the night, speed of light
Pulses race, the tension's hi
[al:vertical infinity]
[by:LRC歌词网 lrcgc.com]
[00:00.00]T.M.Revolution - CHASE/THE THRILL
[00:49.38]作詞:Lynn Hobday
[00:51.38]作曲:Daisuke Asakura
[00:57.38]On the road - no looking back
[00:59.93]We're on our way and we are right on track
[01:02.60]A getaway under a hazy sky
[01:05.22]The setting sun is shining in our eyes
[01:08.10]Hold on tight - I'm driving fast
[01:10.65]The time has come for us to take a chance
[01:13.29]We're getting our before the overload
[01:16.01]The engine roars, it's ready to explode
[01:18.94]Saying goodbye to the dark clouds of yesterday
[01:24.19]Making a future
[01:26.56]Come ride with me
[01:28.59]Come on believe in me
[01:32.56]Chase the morning, find the dream
[01:34.95]Racing at a speed that you won't believe
[01:37.61]Feel the thrill of the wind in your hair
[01:40.47]I feel the energy now you are here with me
[01:45.76]Chase the morning, seize the dream
[01:48.50]Push it to the limit, we are running free
[01:51.15]Feel the thrill of the wind in your hair
[01:53.86]We'll see the dawn again
[01:56.62]Ride through the night, speed of light
[02:21.11]Pulses race, the tension's high
[02:23.52]Ride through the dust across the great divide
[02:26.19]Your body heat, as hot as burning chrome
[02:28.82]Hey, don't you know, we're in the danger zone
[02:31.85]It's time to start taking hold of our destiny
[02:37.06]Facing it all
[02:39.04]Come and ride with me
[02:41.51]Come on, believe in me
[02:45.37]Chase the morning, find the dream
[02:47.84]Racing at a speed that you won't believe
[02:50.59]Feel the thrill of the wind in your hair
[02:53.26]I feel the energy now you are here with me
[02:58.61]Chase the morning, seize the dream
[03:01.31]Push it to the limit, we are rinning free
[03:03.95]Feel the thrill of the wind in your hair
[03:06.72]We'll see the dawn again
[03:09.41]Ride through the night, speed of light
[04:54.87]On the road - no looking back
[04:57.38]We're on our way and we are right on track
[05:00.04]A getaway under a hazy sky
[05:02.75]The morning sun is shining in our eyes
[05:05.71]It's time to start taking hold of our destiny
[05:10.91]Facing it all
[05:12.88]Come and ride with me
[05:15.43]Come on, believe in me
[05:19.04]Chase the morning, find the dream
[05:21.68]Racing at a speed that you won't believe
[05:24.33]Feel the thrill of the wind in your hair
[05:27.08]I feel tha energy now you are here with me
[05:32.56]Chase the morning, seize the dream
[05:35.18]Push it to the limit, we are running free
[05:37.82]Feel the thrill of the wind in your hair
[05:40.58]Now you are here with me, I am complete
[05:45.38]Won't you
[05:45.99]Chase the morning, find the dream
[05:48.65]Racing at a speed that you won't believe
[05:51.41]Chase the morning, seize the dream
[05:52.90]Push it to the limit, we are running free
[05:57.79]Chase the morning, find the dream
[05:59.50]Racing at a speed that you won't believe
[06:02.18]Chase the morning, seize the dream
[06:04.87]Push it to the limit, we are running free

本文标题:Tangerine Dream[橘红梦/_Dream[橘红梦/ back to the race歌词 Dream[橘红梦/ back to the raceLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/531311.html

《Tangerine Dream[橘红梦/_Dream[橘红梦/ back to the race歌词 Dream[橘红梦/ back to the raceLRC歌词》相关曲谱及歌词来源于互联网或网友上传分享,仅供个人学习、交流、欣赏使用,版权归属原作者所有,如有侵犯到您的权益,请联系我们,我们会及时处理。


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