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Samsara_The Divide歌词 The DivideLRC歌词

歌手:Samsara 专辑:《《Instinct Over Influe》》 作词: 发行时间:
Disturbed - Divide
www.265e.com leo_chen 制作
I want to tear a big hole in what is to be
To end all this infatuation with unity
I'm seeking my salvation alone again
I never needed to be one of you anyway
Don't wanna be another player losing in this game
I'm trying to impress upon you
We're not the same
My own individuality is so unique
I'm one impressive motherf**ker
Now wouldn't you say
(Break apart and)
Divide Divide Divide Divide
You might say that I'm the last man standing now
Though you'll try you'll never find a way to break me
You might say that I'm sick of being lost in the crowd
I hear the sirens but they're never gonna take me
I am a little more provocative then you might be
It's your shock and then your horror on which I feed
So can you tell me what exactly does freedom mean
If I'm not free to be as twisted as I wanna be
Don't wanna be another player losing in this game
I'm trying to impress upon you
We're not the same
My psychotic mentality is so unique
I'm one aggressive motherf**ker
Now wouldn't you say
(Break apart and)
Divide Divide Divide Divide
You might say that I'm the last man standing now
Though you'll try you'll never find a way to break me
You might say that I'm sick of being lost in the crowd
I hear the sirens but they're never gonna take me
(They won't take me)
Well f**k it all
Break Break Break Break
(Break apart and divide)
Break Break Break Break
(Break apart and divide)
Break Break Break Break
(Break apart and divide)
Divide Divide Divide Divide
Divide Divide break apart and divide
Divide Divide Divide Divide
Divide Divide break apart and
Divide Divide Divide Divide
Divide Divide break apart and divide
Divide Divide Divide Divide
Divide Divide Divide Divide
[00:01.97]Disturbed - Divide
[00:05.25]www.265e.com leo_chen 制作
[00:15.21]I want to tear a big hole in what is to be
[00:19.11]To end all this infatuation with unity
[00:22.66]I'm seeking my salvation alone again
[00:26.80]I never needed to be one of you anyway
[00:30.57]Don't wanna be another player losing in this game
[00:34.15]I'm trying to impress upon you
[00:36.74]We're not the same
[00:38.78]My own individuality is so unique
[00:41.98]I'm one impressive motherf**ker
[00:44.23]Now wouldn't you say
[00:47.16](Break apart and)
[00:49.18]Divide Divide Divide Divide
[00:52.58]You might say that I'm the last man standing now
[00:56.86]Though you'll try you'll never find a way to break me
[01:00.91]You might say that I'm sick of being lost in the crowd
[01:04.62]I hear the sirens but they're never gonna take me
[01:08.29]I am a little more provocative then you might be
[01:12.08]It's your shock and then your horror on which I feed
[01:16.09]So can you tell me what exactly does freedom mean
[01:19.77]If I'm not free to be as twisted as I wanna be
[01:23.11]Don't wanna be another player losing in this game
[01:27.03]I'm trying to impress upon you
[01:29.63]We're not the same
[01:30.90]My psychotic mentality is so unique
[01:34.36]I'm one aggressive motherf**ker
[01:37.33]Now wouldn't you say
[01:40.04](Break apart and)
[01:42.11]Divide Divide Divide Divide
[01:45.40]You might say that I'm the last man standing now
[01:49.65]Though you'll try you'll never find a way to break me
[01:53.52]You might say that I'm sick of being lost in the crowd
[01:57.52]I hear the sirens but they're never gonna take me
[02:03.56](They won't take me)
[02:11.42]Well f**k it all
[02:15.90]Break Break Break Break
[02:18.51](Break apart and divide)
[02:20.42]Break Break Break Break
[02:22.41](Break apart and divide)
[02:24.05]Break Break Break Break
[02:26.14](Break apart and divide)
Break Break Break Break
(Break apart and...)
[03:01.52]Divide Divide Divide Divide
[03:05.10]Divide Divide break apart and divide
[03:09.30]Divide Divide Divide Divide
[03:12.73]Divide Divide break apart and
[03:16.89]Divide Divide Divide Divide
[03:20.46]Divide Divide break apart and divide
[03:24.47]Divide Divide Divide Divide
[03:27.85]Divide Divide Divide Divide

本文标题:Samsara_The Divide歌词 The DivideLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/398998.html

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