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近畿小子_love in the歌词 love in theLRC歌词

歌手:近畿小子 专辑:《》 作词: 发行时间:
Nine Inch Nails - All The Love In The World
Watching all the insects march along
Seem to know just right where they belong
Smears of face reflecting in the chrome
Hiding in the crowd I'm all alone
No one's heard a single word I've said
They dont sound as good out side my head
It looks as though the past is here to stay
I've become a million miles aw...
Why do you get all the love in the world?
Why do you get all the love in the world?
All the jagged edges dissapear
Colors all look brighter when you're near
The stars are all a fire in the sky
Sometimes I get so lonely I could...
Why do you get all the love in the world?
Why do you get all the love in the world?
Why do you get all the love in the world?
Why do you get all the love in the world?
Why do you get all the love in the world?
Why do you get all the love in the world?
[ti:All The Love In The World]
[ar:Nine Inch Nails]
[al:With Teeth]
[00:00.00]Nine Inch Nails - All The Love In The World
[00:04.89]Watching all the insects march along
[00:12.31]Seem to know just right where they belong
[00:20.22]Smears of face reflecting in the chrome
[00:28.18]Hiding in the crowd I'm all alone
[00:36.12]No one's heard a single word I've said
[00:44.12]They dont sound as good out side my head
[00:52.09]It looks as though the past is here to stay
[01:00.03]I've become a million miles aw...
[01:04.81]Why do you get all the love in the world?
[01:12.17]Why do you get all the love in the world?
[01:24.19]All the jagged edges dissapear
[01:31.88]Colors all look brighter when you're near
[01:39.62]The stars are all a fire in the sky
[01:47.44]Sometimes I get so lonely I could...
[01:52.36]Why do you get all the love in the world?
[01:59.90]Why do you get all the love in the world?
[02:07.94]Why do you get all the love in the world?
[02:15.69]Why do you get all the love in the world?
[02:40.02]Why do you get all the love in the world?
[02:47.56]Why do you get all the love in the world?
[02:55.72]Why do you get all the love in the world?
[03:00.47]Why do you get all the love in the world?
[03:03.70]Why do you get all the love in the world?
[03:27.64]Why do you get all the love in the world?
[03:35.61]Why do you get all the love in the world?
[03:39.65]Why do you get all the love in the world?
[03:43.54]Why do you get all the love in the world?
[03:51.44]Why do you get all the love in the world?
[03:55.73]Why do YOU get all the love in the world?
[03:59.47]Why do you get all the love in the world?
[04:03.73]Why do YOU get all the love in the world?
[04:07.44]Why do you get all the love in the world...

本文标题:近畿小子_love in the歌词 love in theLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/386540.html

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