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Jacqui Naylor_Easy Ride From Here歌词 Easy Ride From HereLRC歌词

歌手:Jacqui Naylor 专辑:《《The Color Five》》 作词:SUNNY BOY 发行时间:
「ANIMAL (English version)」
作曲∶Erik Lidbom/Jon Hallgren
left to right I ain’t lost myself yet not
gonna lose it
you know that I own it
they say that life is priceless
money can’t buy up my every moment
feels like I’m in the jungle living
wandering around surviving
every body body every body follow me now
to the future
rewind if you can’t gonna fast forward on
don’t ever look back to the past now fight on
over and over if you fallen down on
the road in between then you better get up
I know that it ain’t an easy ride
but I’ll definitely follow that future light
about to make it running wild
We’re like on an animal
biting into all our dreams and
We’re like an animal
trusting in our instincts
standing up against the wind and
moving on to a new brighter day
every step we take you got to just believe
an animal
fighting through the wild and going
never give it up gotta kick it up
cuz I haven’t even started
on the starter line oh yeah
now from here and on
I can never go back cuz we climbing to the top
menacing showing out my fang trying
to fight for life
keep going and never ever don’t stop
growl like a
even if you hit a wall gotta a try to
go over it over again
so unstoppable till the end
we go dreaming like a dreamer cuz
I know that it ain’t an easy ride
but I’ll definitely follow that future light
about to make it living life
We’re like an animal
biting into all our dreams and
We’re like an animal
trusting in our instincts
standing up against the wind and
moving on to a new brighter day
every step we take you got to just believe
an animal
fighting through the wild and going
take it to the break down
let me out
never wanna
never wanna go back again
back back back again
standing against the crazy warld
out of the cage we gonna escape through
doing every thing that fearless animals do
tha’t right don’t be scared
you can do it too lf you
stand up and come out to this world
to this world...
We’re like an animal
biting into all our dreams and
We’re like an animal
trusting in our instincts
standing up against the wind and
moving on to a new brighter day
every step we take you got to just believe
an animal
fighting through the wild and going
Lrc By VINE (C) www.265e.com
[ti:ANIMAL (English version)]
[al:Love You More]
[00:00.25]「ANIMAL (English version)」
[00:04.25]作詞∶SUNNY BOY
[00:08.25]作曲∶Erik Lidbom/Jon Hallgren
[00:20.25]left to right I ain’t lost myself yet not
[00:22.21]gonna lose it
[00:23.19]you know that I own it
[00:24.39]they say that life is priceless
[00:26.31]money can’t buy up my every moment
[00:28.39]feels like I’m in the jungle living
[00:30.55]wandering around surviving
[00:32.30]every body body every body follow me now
[00:34.47]to the future
[00:36.19]rewind if you can’t gonna fast forward on
[00:38.21]don’t ever look back to the past now fight on
[00:40.19]over and over if you fallen down on
[00:42.15]the road in between then you better get up
[00:44.05]I know that it ain’t an easy ride
[00:45.99]but I’ll definitely follow that future light
[00:47.95]about to make it running wild
[00:55.40]We’re like on an animal
[00:57.85]biting into all our dreams and
[01:03.35]We’re like an animal
[01:05.80]trusting in our instincts
[01:09.85]standing up against the wind and
[01:12.13]moving on to a new brighter day
[01:15.96]every step we take you got to just believe
[01:19.91]an animal
[01:21.89]fighting through the wild and going
[01:33.91]never give it up gotta kick it up
[01:35.95]cuz I haven’t even started
[01:37.08]on the starter line oh yeah
[01:38.72]now from here and on
[01:39.94]I can never go back cuz we climbing to the top
[01:42.60]menacing showing out my fang trying
[01:45.01]to fight for life
[01:4***4]keep going and never ever don’t stop
[01:48.31]growl like a
[01:50.39]even if you hit a wall gotta a try to
[01:52.70]go over it over again
[01:54.41]so unstoppable till the end
[01:55.89]we go dreaming like a dreamer cuz
[01:57.99]I know that it ain’t an easy ride
[01:59.94]but I’ll definitely follow that future light
[02:01.95]about to make it living life
[02:09.43]We’re like an animal
[02:11.87]biting into all our dreams and
[02:17.36]We’re like an animal
[02:19.86]trusting in our instincts
[02:23.91]standing up against the wind and
[02:26.05]moving on to a new brighter day
[02:29.85]every step we take you got to just believe
[02:33.90]an animal
[02:35.87]fighting through the wild and going
[02:40.45]take it to the break down
[02:42.34]let me out
[02:44.01]never wanna
[02:44.93]never wanna go back again
[02:4***2]back back back again
[02:47.94]standing against the crazy warld
[02:50.34]out of the cage we gonna escape through
[02:52.29]doing every thing that fearless animals do
[02:53.96]tha’t right don’t be scared
[02:55.26]you can do it too lf you
[02:56.17]stand up and come out to this world
[02:57.97]to this world...
[03:05.41]We’re like an animal
[03:07.83]biting into all our dreams and
[03:13.40]We’re like an animal
[03:15.89]trusting in our instincts
[03:19.87]standing up against the wind and
[03:22.26]moving on to a new brighter day
[03:25.89]every step we take you got to just believe
[03:29.95]an animal
[03:31.87]fighting through the wild and going
[03:38.40]Lrc By VINE (C) www.265e.com


本文标题:Jacqui Naylor_Easy Ride From Here歌词 Easy Ride From HereLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/333073.html

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