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Ash_Shattered Glass歌词 Shattered GlassLRC歌词

歌手:Ash 专辑:《This Is Me》 作词: 发行时间:
Song: Shattered Glass
The severed cows head floating at the bottom of the pool
A war is breaking out I must be leaving here soon
Eternal worlds oppression, submerged in death and gloom
Its dripping from the ceiling of this introverted room
A bridge of sighs, tell abstract lies
Are you making a mistake?
You’re trying to figure out
A way through this dementia
Foaming at the mouth
My mind’s like shattered glass
My skull is split in two
I’m staring at the pieces
I’m tryin to fix with glue
I will try for you
Eternal fire and logic, you awaken from your dreams
You change your course like lighting as I tumble from the wall
The projectionist lifts the curtain in the cinema within
The aisle is sealed with cobwebs, the main feature now begins
A bridge of sighs, tell abstract lies
Are you making a mistake?
You’re trying to figure out
A way through this confusion
You’re foaming at the mouth
My mind’s like shattered glass
My skull is split in two
I’m staring at the fragments
Of all I once held true
I will try for you
Savour our conspiracy, as you press against my skin
You’re the only thing worth dying for, I try to stop breathing
I’m drowning in your kisses, and I start to feel this (less) pain
I’m feeing all light headed, and the world just falls away
Are you making a mistake?
You’re trying to figure out
A way through this dementia
You’re foaming at the mouth
My mind’s like shattered glass
My skull is split in two
I’m staring at the pieces
I’m tryin to fix with glue
I will try for you
[ti:Shattered Glass]
[al:Twilight Of The Innocents]

[00:0***9]Song: Shattered Glass
[00:19.38]The severed cows head floating at the bottom of the pool
[00:27.83]A war is breaking out I must be leaving here soon
[00:35.72]Eternal worlds oppression, submerged in death and gloom
[00:43.01]Its dripping from the ceiling of this introverted room
[00:50.51]A bridge of sighs, tell abstract lies
[01:00.15]Are you making a mistake?
[01:03.80]You’re trying to figure out
[01:07.79]A way through this dementia
[01:11.74]Foaming at the mouth
[01:15.32]My mind’s like shattered glass
[01:19.23]My skull is split in two
[01:23.08]I’m staring at the pieces
[01:26.87]I’m tryin to fix with glue
[01:31.04]I will try for you
[01:41.21]Eternal fire and logic, you awaken from your dreams
[01:49.36]You change your course like lighting as I tumble from the wall
[01:56.56]The projectionist lifts the curtain in the cinema within
[02:04.16]The aisle is sealed with cobwebs, the main feature now begins
[02:11.90]A bridge of sighs, tell abstract lies
[02:21.76]Are you making a mistake?
[02:26.31]You’re trying to figure out
[02:30.08]A way through this confusion
[02:34.02]You’re foaming at the mouth
[02:38.05]My mind’s like shattered glass
[02:41.69]My skull is split in two
[02:45.59]I’m staring at the fragments
[02:49.36]Of all I once held true
[02:53.48]I will try for you
[03:33.56]Savour our conspiracy, as you press against my skin
[03:41.10]You’re the only thing worth dying for, I try to stop breathing
[03:49.08]I’m drowning in your kisses, and I start to feel this (less) pain
[03:57.73]I’m feeing all light headed, and the world just falls away
[04:10.38]Are you making a mistake?
[04:14.57]You’re trying to figure out
[04:18.39]A way through this dementia
[04:21.95]You’re foaming at the mouth
[04:26.08]My mind’s like shattered glass
[04:29.98]My skull is split in two
[04:33.81]I’m staring at the pieces
[04:37.69]I’m tryin to fix with glue
[04:41.76]I will try for you


本文标题:Ash_Shattered Glass歌词 Shattered GlassLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/259961.html

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