首页 / 歌词 / Impaled Nazarene_for those who have fallen歌词 for those who have fallenLRC歌词

Impaled Nazarene_for those who have fallen歌词 for those who have fallenLRC歌词

歌手:Impaled Nazarene 专辑:《Let Me Introduce My 》 作词: 发行时间:
Lindsay Lohan - Black Hole
I found my box of letters
lying on the ground
The ones you used to write me, before it all went down
I even got a papercut, trying to figure out
What to do with all these memories
And youre not who you used to be
And I wonder where youre gone
Have you fallen in a black hole?
Tumbling as a universe of missing stuff
What happened to the good times
What happened to the moments where we had so much
Wheres the love?
Wheres the love?
Remember all those hours
laughing on the floor
Those days aint doing nothing feel like nothing did before
i dont need those sneakers or that money after all
Ill trade them for old message youve called
Cuz its not how we used to feel
And I wonder what went wrong...
Have you fallen in a black hole?
Tumbling as a universe of missing stuff
What happened to the good times
What happened to the moments where we had so much
Wheres the love?
I wanna go there
And I wanna know where
everything that meant something to me is all
I found a box of letters, used to make me smile
but now I feel so lonely
Have you fallen in a black hole?
Tumbled as a universe of missing stuff
What happened to the good times
What happened to the moments where we had so much
A black hole
Tumbling as a universe of missing stuff
What happened to the good times
What happened to the moments where we had so much
Wheres the love?
Wheres the love?
Wheres the love?
Wheres the love...
Has you fallen in a black hole?
Has you fallen in a black hole?
Has you fallen in a black hole?
[ti:Black Hole]\r
[ar:Lindsay Lohan]\r
[al:A Little More Personal]\r
[00:00.00]Lindsay Lohan - Black Hole\r
[00:06.28]I found my box of letters\r
[00:09.06]lying on the ground\r
[00:11.36]The ones you used to write me, before it all went down\r
[00:16.36]I even got a papercut, trying to figure out\r
[00:21.63]What to do with all these memories\r
[00:27.28]And youre not who you used to be\r
[00:32.13]And I wonder where youre gone\r
[00:36.30]Have you fallen in a black hole?\r
[00:41.85]Tumbling as a universe of missing stuff\r
[00:46.64]What happened to the good times\r
[00:51.63]What happened to the moments where we had so much\r
[00:59.98]Wheres the love?\r
[01:05.07]Wheres the love?\r
[01:12.07]Remember all those hours\r
[01:14.71]laughing on the floor\r
[01:17.04]Those days aint doing nothing feel like nothing did before\r
[01:22.30]i dont need those sneakers or that money after all\r
[01:27.05]Ill trade them for old message youve called\r
[01:32.64]Cuz its not how we used to feel\r
[01:38.10]And I wonder what went wrong...\r
[01:41.96]Have you fallen in a black hole?\r
[01:47.55]Tumbling as a universe of missing stuff\r
[01:52.41]What happened to the good times\r
[01:57.31]What happened to the moments where we had so much\r
[02:05.76]Wheres the love?\r
[02:08.08]I wanna go there\r
[02:12.71]And I wanna know where\r
[02:16.80]everything that meant something to me is all\r
[02:27.75]I found a box of letters, used to make me smile\r
[02:32.97]but now I feel so lonely\r
[02:36.80]Have you fallen in a black hole?\r
[02:41.88]Tumbled as a universe of missing stuff\r
[02:46.57]What happened to the good times\r
[02:51.72]What happened to the moments where we had so much\r
[02:58.09]A black hole\r
[03:02.03]Tumbling as a universe of missing stuff\r
[03:06.85]What happened to the good times\r
[03:11.87]What happened to the moments where we had so much\r
[03:20.09]Wheres the love?\r
[03:25.29]Wheres the love?\r
[03:30.45]Wheres the love?\r
[03:35.58]Wheres the love...\r
[03:39.64]Has you fallen in a black hole?\r
[03:44.47]Has you fallen in a black hole?\r
[03:49.51]Has you fallen in a black hole?\r

本文标题:Impaled Nazarene_for those who have fallen歌词 for those who have fallenLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/244267.html

《Impaled Nazarene_for those who have fallen歌词 for those who have fallenLRC歌词》相关曲谱及歌词来源于互联网或网友上传分享,仅供个人学习、交流、欣赏使用,版权归属原作者所有,如有侵犯到您的权益,请联系我们,我们会及时处理。


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