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Lycia_Drifting歌词 DriftingLRC歌词

歌手:Lycia 专辑:《A Lantern Carried in》 作词: 发行时间:
Travis - Driftwood
Everything is open
Nothing is set in stone
Rivers turn to Ocean
Oceans tide you home
Home is where your heart is
But your heart had to roam
Drifting over bridges
Never to return
Watching bridges burn
Youre driftwood floating underwater
Breaking into pieces, pieces, pieces
Just driftwood hollow and of no use
waterfalls will find you, bind you, grind you
Nobody is an island
Everyone has to go
Pillars turn to butter
Butterflying low
Low is where your heart is
But your heart has to grow
Drifting under bridges
Never with the flow
And you really didnt think it would happen
But it really is the end of the line
So Im sorry that you turned to driftwood
But youve been drifting for a long, long time
Everywhere theres trouble
Nowheres safe to go
Pushes turn to shovels
Shovelling the snow
Frozen you have chosen
The path you wish to go
Drifting now forever
And forever more
Until you reach your shore
Youre driftwood floating underwater
Breaking into pieces, pieces, pieces
Just driftwood hollow and of no use
Waterfalls will find you, bind you, grind you
And you really didnt think it would happen
But it really is the end of the line
So Im sorry that you turned to driftwood
But youve been drifting for a long, long time
Youve been drifting for a long, long time
Youve been drifting for a long, long
Drifting for a long, long time
[00:00.00]Travis - Driftwood\r
[00:11.41]Everything is open\r
[00:13.89]Nothing is set in stone\r
[00:16.67]Rivers turn to Ocean\r
[00:19.46]Oceans tide you home\r
[00:22.19]Home is where your heart is\r
[00:24.98]But your heart had to roam\r
[00:27.72]Drifting over bridges\r
[00:30.57]Never to return\r
[00:33.47]Watching bridges burn\r
[00:35.57]Youre driftwood floating underwater\r
[00:40.44]Breaking into pieces, pieces, pieces\r
[00:46.72]Just driftwood hollow and of no use\r
[00:51.43]waterfalls will find you, bind you, grind you\r
[00:58.45]Nobody is an island\r
[01:01.08]Everyone has to go\r
[01:03.81]Pillars turn to butter\r
[01:06.61]Butterflying low\r
[01:09.35]Low is where your heart is\r
[01:12.11]But your heart has to grow\r
[01:14.83]Drifting under bridges\r
[01:17.70]Never with the flow\r
[01:19.70]And you really didnt think it would happen\r
[01:25.63]But it really is the end of the line\r
[01:30.50]So Im sorry that you turned to driftwood\r
[01:3***3]But youve been drifting for a long, long time\r
[02:04.67]Everywhere theres trouble\r
[02:07.42]Nowheres safe to go\r
[02:10.04]Pushes turn to shovels\r
[02:12.90]Shovelling the snow\r
[02:15.61]Frozen you have chosen\r
[02:18.40]The path you wish to go\r
[02:21.23]Drifting now forever\r
[02:23.98]And forever more\r
[02:26.83]Until you reach your shore\r
[02:29.24]Youre driftwood floating underwater\r
[02:33.98]Breaking into pieces, pieces, pieces\r
[02:40.46]Just driftwood hollow and of no use\r
[02:44.98]Waterfalls will find you, bind you, grind you\r
[02:50.42]And you really didnt think it would happen\r
[02:57.02]But it really is the end of the line\r
[03:02.14]So Im sorry that you turned to driftwood\r
[03:07.87]But youve been drifting for a long, long time\r
[03:13.76]Youve been drifting for a long, long time\r
[03:19.33]Youve been drifting for a long, long\r
[03:22.92]Drifting for a long, long time\r

本文标题:Lycia_Drifting歌词 DriftingLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/242318.html

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