首页 / 歌词 / Rancid_Holiday Sunrise歌词 Holiday SunriseLRC歌词

Rancid_Holiday Sunrise歌词 Holiday SunriseLRC歌词

歌手:Rancid 专辑:《Rancid (1993)》 作词: 发行时间:
Holiday Parade - Getaway
@ 活在當下 制作
I take it in for just awhile
like how the coast line tends to smile
On the days,
With the waves, lemonade,
Quiz my heart, I still say,
A girl she came and caught my eye
about the third week of july
turn around and I found one more
I said how bout we get away
Strange how we choose our company
she runs her fingers down my cheek
she has a thing for mixed CDs
I think shes growing on me
i spend my days just passing through
these roads that lead from me to you
gravity is what pulls me through
I know shes growing on me
Trying to keep myself together now
Trying to keep my head locked down
Trying to hold onto this love
Intill she walked by me
I said how bout we get away
Shes like those girls i used to see
in all those black and white movies
She was Georgia royalty
and now shes growing on me
This girls the music in my room
Each day the reason why I move
Shes the song that gets me through
And now shes growing on me
Trying to keep myself together now
Trying to keep my head locked down
Trying to hold onto this love
Intill she walked by me
I said how bout we get away
Spent two weeks on fire
Can my hopes get higher?
Well burn like the sunrise
Its changing my life
Trying to keep myself together now
Trying to keep my head locked down
Trying to hold onto this love
Intill she walked by me
Trying to keep myself together now
Trying to keep my head locked down
Trying to hold onto this love
Intill she walked by me
how bout we get away
Late nights Well burn our past
Well live our lives like falling stars
The way i see weve come so far
and hey i must say
step back to where we were
Feels like ten thousand years before
the moment that youd shut the door
Id say
Id say how bout we getaway
[ar:Holiday Parade]\r
[al:Tickets & Passports]\r
[00:01.12]Holiday Parade - Getaway\r
[00:04.07] @ 活在當下 制作\r
[00:10.30]I take it in for just awhile\r
[00:12.57]like how the coast line tends to smile\r
[00:14.70]On the days,\r
[00:15.56]With the waves, lemonade,\r
[00:17.22]Quiz my heart, I still say,\r
[00:19.34]A girl she came and caught my eye\r
[00:21.78]about the third week of july\r
[00:23.75]turn around and I found one more\r
[00:26.17]I said how bout we get away\r
[00:37.31]Strange how we choose our company\r
[00:39.90]she runs her fingers down my cheek\r
[00:41.99]she has a thing for mixed CDs\r
[00:44.38]I think shes growing on me\r
[00:4***6]i spend my days just passing through\r
[00:48.75]these roads that lead from me to you\r
[00:51.06]gravity is what pulls me through\r
[00:53.35]I know shes growing on me\r
[00:57.65]Trying to keep myself together now\r
[01:02.12]Trying to keep my head locked down\r
[01:06.68]Trying to hold onto this love\r
[01:10.18]Intill she walked by me\r
[01:15.94]I said how bout we get away\r
[01:27.02]Shes like those girls i used to see\r
[01:29.64]in all those black and white movies\r
[01:31.84]She was Georgia royalty\r
[01:34.07]and now shes growing on me\r
[01:36.30]This girls the music in my room\r
[01:38.54]Each day the reason why I move\r
[01:40.73]Shes the song that gets me through\r
[01:43.14]And now shes growing on me\r
[01:47.46]Trying to keep myself together now\r
[01:51.88]Trying to keep my head locked down\r
[01:5***7]Trying to hold onto this love\r
[01:59.92]Intill she walked by me\r
[02:05.58]I said how bout we get away\r
[02:09.60]Spent two weeks on fire\r
[02:14.11]Can my hopes get higher?\r
[02:18.66]Well burn like the sunrise\r
[02:23.09]Its changing my life\r
[02:26.14]Trying to keep myself together now\r
[02:30.42]Trying to keep my head locked down\r
[02:35.01]Trying to hold onto this love\r
[02:38.35]Intill she walked by me\r
[02:44.02]Trying to keep myself together now\r
[02:48.58]Trying to keep my head locked down\r
[02:53.03]Trying to hold onto this love\r
[02:57.03]Intill she walked by me\r
[03:00.68]how bout we get away\r
[03:02.57]Late nights Well burn our past\r
[03:04.00]Well live our lives like falling stars\r
[03:06.32]The way i see weve come so far\r
[03:08.44]and hey i must say\r
[03:11.10]step back to where we were\r
[03:12.91]Feels like ten thousand years before\r
[03:15.34]the moment that youd shut the door\r
[03:17.46]Id say\r
[03:20.29]Id say how bout we getaway \r

本文标题:Rancid_Holiday Sunrise歌词 Holiday SunriseLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/233031.html

《Rancid_Holiday Sunrise歌词 Holiday SunriseLRC歌词》相关曲谱及歌词来源于互联网或网友上传分享,仅供个人学习、交流、欣赏使用,版权归属原作者所有,如有侵犯到您的权益,请联系我们,我们会及时处理。


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