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Shadows fall_idle hands歌词 idle handsLRC歌词

歌手:Shadows fall 专辑:《Jubilee》 作词: 发行时间:
The Dear Hunter - In Cauda Venenum
@ 活在當下 制作
Were biting our tongues; biding our time
An apparition awoken with an urge to
own and occupy
"Who ever said this was easy?"
A majestys massacre floods
the fields of red
blood to your body naturally
rushes the blood to your head
And now with hands aligned
these arms move tonight
and we cry "we can not allow this,
This is terrible"
With ideals were idle as they
lust for more.
oh if we settle the score.
Weve never been so
excited to see you before.
In the cradle we are helpless
but on our feet we are fatal
how we evolve and grow into
twisted beasts with a desire for disorder
OH what a terrible game we play;
replacing the pawn for a body.
And the players? Politicians
who say what they need to say
Now with hands aligned
Arms move tonight
here with abrasive eyes
pain in plain sight
and we cry "we can not allow this,
This is terrible."
With ideals were idle as they
lust for more.
But oh if we settle the score.
Weve never been so excited to see you be...
Oh when I think about your eyes
Oh when I think about your smile
Oh when I dream about your eyes/lies
travel all this way just to find love.
[ti:In Cauda Venenum]\r
[ar:The Dear Hunter]\r
[al:Act III: Life and Death (Limited Deluxe Edition)]\r
[00:01.12]The Dear Hunter - In Cauda Venenum\r
[00:06.73] @ 活在當下 制作\r
[00:26.68]Were biting our tongues; biding our time\r
[00:29.58]An apparition awoken with an urge to\r
[00:32.97]own and occupy\r
[00:37.46]\"Who ever said this was easy?\"\r
[00:40.39]A majestys massacre floods\r
[00:42.77]the fields of red\r
[00:45.74]blood to your body naturally\r
[00:48.02]rushes the blood to your head\r
[00:59.67]And now with hands aligned\r
[01:06.11]these arms move tonight\r
[01:12.31]and we cry \"we can not allow this,\r
[01:17.99]This is terrible\"\r
[01:20.12]With ideals were idle as they\r
[01:23.11]lust for more.\r
[01:26.20]oh if we settle the score.\r
[01:34.19]Weve never been so\r
[01:36.07]excited to see you before.\r
[01:54.77]In the cradle we are helpless\r
[01:58.11]but on our feet we are fatal\r
[02:00.85]how we evolve and grow into\r
[02:06.03]twisted beasts with a desire for disorder\r
[02:08.20]OH what a terrible game we play;\r
[02:13.97]replacing the pawn for a body.\r
[02:16.59]And the players? Politicians\r
[02:18.28]who say what they need to say\r
[02:58.45]Now with hands aligned\r
[03:05.62]Arms move tonight\r
[03:12.49]here with abrasive eyes\r
[03:19.18]pain in plain sight\r
[03:24.85]and we cry \"we can not allow this,\r
[03:30.49]This is terrible.\"\r
[03:32.80]With ideals were idle as they\r
[03:36.11]lust for more.\r
[03:42.08]But oh if we settle the score.\r
[03:47.65]Weve never been so excited to see you be...\r
[03:59.95]Oh when I think about your eyes\r
[04:10.91]Oh when I think about your smile\r
[04:22.88]Oh when I dream about your eyes\/lies\r
[04:35.77]travel all this way just to find love. \r

本文标题:Shadows fall_idle hands歌词 idle handsLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/229362.html

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