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Santana_The Trip歌词 The TripLRC歌词

歌手:Santana 专辑:《The Best of Santana》 作词: 发行时间:
Seether - Like *******
Premeditation will kill the trust
Theyll never know if you fear me
With every second collecting dust
I feel so bloded and weary
Cause she belongs to heaven
Shes coming over like a *******
And its the same old trip
The same old trip as before
Another complicating *******
And its the same old trip
The same old trip as before
Shell cut you down with a single thrust
Shes taking over too quickly
No medication can cure the lust
So say a prayer for the sickly
Cause she belongs to heaven
Shes coming over like a *******
And its the same old trip
The same old trip as before
Another complicating *******
And its the same old trip
The same old trip as before
You set me up to ****ing fail this time
Shes coming over like a *******
And its the same old trip
The same old trip as before
Another overbaring *******
And its the same old trip
The same old trip
Shes coming over wearing genocide
And its the same old trip
The same old trip as before
Another complicating *******
And its the same old trip
The same old trip as before
As before
[ti:Like *******]\r
[al:Finding Beauty In Negative Spaces]\r
[by: ]\r
[00:00.00]Seether - Like *******\r
[00:0***6] 制作\r
[00:10.46]Premeditation will kill the trust\r
[00:15.44]Theyll never know if you fear me\r
[00:20.49]With every second collecting dust\r
[00:25.46]I feel so bloded and weary\r
[00:30.17]Cause she belongs to heaven \r
[00:40.30]Shes coming over like a *******\r
[00:44.33]And its the same old trip\r
[00:47.37]The same old trip as before\r
[00:50.56]Another complicating *******\r
[00:54.25]And its the same old trip\r
[00:57.38]The same old trip as before\r
[01:20.53]Shell cut you down with a single thrust\r
[01:25.44]Shes taking over too quickly\r
[01:30.37]No medication can cure the lust\r
[01:35.37]So say a prayer for the sickly\r
[01:40.22]Cause she belongs to heaven\r
[01:50.40]Shes coming over like a *******\r
[01:54.14]And its the same old trip\r
[01:57.26]The same old trip as before\r
[02:00.45]Another complicating *******\r
[02:04.14]And its the same old trip\r
[02:07.27]The same old trip as before\r
[02:30.08]You set me up to ****ing fail this time\r
[03:10.51]Shes coming over like a *******\r
[03:14.13]And its the same old trip\r
[03:17.23]The same old trip as before\r
[03:20.48]Another overbaring *******\r
[03:24.26]And its the same old trip\r
[03:27.17]The same old trip \r
[03:30.40]Shes coming over wearing genocide\r
[03:34.20]And its the same old trip\r
[03:37.20]The same old trip as before\r
[03:40.41]Another complicating *******\r
[03:44.11]And its the same old trip\r
[03:47.22]The same old trip as before\r
[03:54.23]As before \r

本文标题:Santana_The Trip歌词 The TripLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/228459.html

《Santana_The Trip歌词 The TripLRC歌词》相关曲谱及歌词来源于互联网或网友上传分享,仅供个人学习、交流、欣赏使用,版权归属原作者所有,如有侵犯到您的权益,请联系我们,我们会及时处理。


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