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The Morning After_your love is a car alarm歌词 your love is a car alarmLRC歌词

歌手:The Morning After 专辑:《The Libertines》 作词: 发行时间:
My Favorite Highway - Bigger Than Love
卜超 制作
Weve all got scars as big as ours
A token for the pain we hide inside of us
Everyones scared that somebody knows
You push it aside, yeah thats how it goes
If youve ever heard a beating heart
A rhythm for the songs were too afraid to sing
Nobody here is perfectly fine
A delicate frame, a fragile design
If theres a hole in your heart
You gotta pull it together
It takes the courage to start
But now is better than never
It takes a push and a shove
Somehow its never enough
And its alarming how quickly we forget that
Nothings bigger than love
Nothings bigger than love
Nothings bigger than love
All you need, all you need, all you need is love
Some people change and some just wont
You cant take back the words you wish youd never said
Promises break and lovers will lie
You hold up your hands and let out a sigh
So smile right before you fall
And lay beside this mess and call it consequence
Somebody said that life isnt fair
When somebody else was saying a prayer
Nothings bigger than love
Nothings bigger than love
Nothings bigger than love
All you need, all you need, all you need is love
Cause no-ones taking me out
And nothings pulling me down
I turn my head to the crowd
This love is big and its loud
This is a car in the crash
This is the light in the flash
This is the answers you know
But youre just too scared to ask
If theres a hole in your heart
You gotta pull it together
It takes the courage to start
But now is better than never
It takes a push and a shove
Somehow its never enough
Somehow its never enough
Nothings bigger than love
Nothings bigger than love
Nothings bigger than love
All you need, all you need, all you need is love
[ti:Bigger Than Love]\r
[ar:My Favorite Highway]\r
[al:How To Call A Bluff]\r
[00:01.40]My Favorite Highway - Bigger Than Love\r
[00:07.94] 卜超 制作\r
[00:13.94]Weve all got scars as big as ours\r
[00:18.18]A token for the pain we hide inside of us\r
[00:22.47]Everyones scared that somebody knows\r
[00:26.25]You push it aside, yeah thats how it goes\r
[00:29.82]If youve ever heard a beating heart\r
[00:34.26]A rhythm for the songs were too afraid to sing\r
[00:38.47]Nobody here is perfectly fine\r
[00:42.30]A delicate frame, a fragile design\r
[00:46.77]If theres a hole in your heart\r
[00:48.76]You gotta pull it together\r
[00:50.98]It takes the courage to start\r
[00:52.73]But now is better than never\r
[00:54.97]It takes a push and a shove\r
[00:56.70]Somehow its never enough\r
[00:58.74]And its alarming how quickly we forget that\r
[02:47.44][01:59.08][01:03.14]Nothings bigger than love\r
[02:51.01][02:03.02][01:07.11]Nothings bigger than love\r
[02:54.92][02:06.93][01:10.99]Nothings bigger than love\r
[02:59.50][02:10.96][01:15.09]All you need, all you need, all you need is love\r
[01:26.22]Some people change and some just wont\r
[01:30.29]You cant take back the words you wish youd never said\r
[01:34.68]Promises break and lovers will lie\r
[01:39.88]You hold up your hands and let out a sigh\r
[01:42.37]So smile right before you fall\r
[01:46.29]And lay beside this mess and call it consequence \r
[01:50.51]Somebody said that life isnt fair\r
[01:54.25]When somebody else was saying a prayer\r
[02:15.26]Cause no-ones taking me out \r
[02:16.74]And nothings pulling me down\r
[02:18.71]I turn my head to the crowd\r
[02:20.81]This love is big and its loud\r
[02:22.98]This is a car in the crash\r
[02:24.72]This is the light in the flash\r
[02:26.72]This is the answers you know\r
[02:28.77]But youre just too scared to ask\r
[02:30.97]If theres a hole in your heart\r
[02:32.76]You gotta pull it together\r
[02:34.95]It takes the courage to start\r
[02:36.71]But now is better than never\r
[02:38.88]It takes a push and a shove\r
[02:40.71]Somehow its never enough\r
[02:42.68]Somehow its never enough\r

本文标题:The Morning After_your love is a car alarm歌词 your love is a car alarmLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/226094.html

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