首页 / 歌词 / The Haunted_who will decide歌词 who will decideLRC歌词

The Haunted_who will decide歌词 who will decideLRC歌词

歌手:The Haunted 专辑:《Roadkill》 作词: 发行时间:
歌手:Michael Jackson
专辑:Good Mourning
曲目:Weve Had Enough
Love was taken from a young life
And no one told her why
Her direction has a dimlight
From one more violent crime
She innocently questioned why
Why her father had to die
She asked the men in blue
How is it that you get to choose
Who will live and who will die
Did God say that you could decide
You saw he didnt run
And then my daddy had no gun
In the middle of the village
Within a distant land
Lies a cool boy with his broken toy
Too young to understand
Hes awaken ground is shaking
His father grabs his hand
Screaming crying his wifes dying
Now hes left to explain
He innocently questioned why
Why his mother had to die
Why did these soldiers come here for
If theyre for peace why is there war
Did God say that they could decide
Who will live and who will die
All my mama ever did
Was try to take care of her kids
When innocence is standing by
Watching people losing lives
It seem as if we have no voice
Its time for us to make a choice
Only God could decide
Who will live and who will die
Theres nothing that cant be done
If we raise our voice as one
Did god hear it from me
Did god hear it from you
Did god hear it from us
We cant take it
Weve already had enough
Did god hear it from me
Did god hear it from you
Did god hear it from us
We cant take it
Weve already had enough
Thank God I care for me
Thank God I care for you
Thank God it came from you babe
We cant take it
Weve already had enough
Deep in my soul baby
Deep in your soul and by your side
Deep in my soul
Its so big and im still alive
Did God hear it from us
We cant take it
Weve already had enough
Its going down baby
Just let God decide,
Its going on baby
Just let God decide
Deep in my soul baby
Weve already had enough
Did God hear it from me
Did God hear it from you
Did God hear it from us
We cant, we cant
Weve already had enough
[ti:Weve had enough]\r
[ar:Michael Jackson]\r
[00:01.85]歌手:Michael Jackson\r
[00:05.55]专辑:Good Mourning\r
[00:12.63]曲目:Weve Had Enough\r
[00:31.68]Love was taken from a young life\r
[00:37.40]And no one told her why\r
[00:42.11]Her direction has a dimlight\r
[00:50.18]From one more violent crime\r
[00:55.68]She innocently questioned why\r
[00:58.99]Why her father had to die\r
[01:02.11]She asked the men in blue\r
[01:04.99]How is it that you get to choose\r
[01:08.57]Who will live and who will die\r
[01:11.57]Did God say that you could decide \r
[01:14.81]You saw he didnt run\r
[01:17.44]And then my daddy had no gun\r
[01:24.64]In the middle of the village\r
[01:30.66]Within a distant land\r
[01:36.78]Lies a cool boy with his broken toy\r
[01:43.04]Too young to understand\r
[01:49.43]Hes awaken ground is shaking\r
[01:55.78]His father grabs his hand\r
[02:01.91]Screaming crying his wifes dying\r
[02:08.15]Now hes left to explain\r
[02:14.31]He innocently questioned why\r
[02:17.15]Why his mother had to die\r
[02:20.27]Why did these soldiers come here for \r
[02:22.84]If theyre for peace why is there war \r
[02:26.59]Did God say that they could decide\r
[02:29.62]Who will live and who will die \r
[02:32.27]All my mama ever did\r
[02:35.17]Was try to take care of her kids\r
[02:38.77]When innocence is standing by\r
[02:41.94]Watching people losing lives\r
[02:44.73]It seem as if we have no voice\r
[02:47.74]Its time for us to make a choice\r
[02:51.18]Only God could decide\r
[02:54.48]Who will live and who will die\r
[02:57.26]Theres nothing that cant be done\r
[03:00.40]If we raise our voice as one\r
[03:07.25]Did god hear it from me\r
[03:09.77]Did god hear it from you\r
[03:12.89]Did god hear it from us\r
[03:15.99]We cant take it\r
[03:17.36]Weve already had enough\r
[03:19.36]Did god hear it from me\r
[03:22.10]Did god hear it from you\r
[03:25.33]Did god hear it from us\r
[03:28.32]We cant take it\r
[03:29.97]Weve already had enough\r
[03:32.03]Thank God I care for me\r
[03:34.83]Thank God I care for you\r
[03:38.01]Thank God it came from you babe\r
[03:40.90]We cant take it\r
[03:42.31]Weve already had enough\r
[03:44.08]Deep in my soul baby\r
[03:45.06]Deep in your soul and by your side\r
[03:47.00]Deep in my soul\r
[03:48.28]Its so big and im still alive\r
[03:50.32]Did God hear it from us \r
[03:53.36]We cant take it\r
[03:54.83]Weve already had enough\r
[03:56.88]Its going down baby\r
[03:58.12]Just let God decide,\r
[03:59.71]Its going on baby\r
[04:01.02]Just let God decide\r
[04:02.63]Deep in my soul baby\r
[04:07.97]Weve already had enough\r
[04:09.57]Did God hear it from me \r
[04:12.13]Did God hear it from you \r
[04:15.21]Did God hear it from us \r
[04:18.15]We cant, we cant\r
[04:19.58]Weve already had enough\r

本文标题:The Haunted_who will decide歌词 who will decideLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/225748.html

《The Haunted_who will decide歌词 who will decideLRC歌词》相关曲谱及歌词来源于互联网或网友上传分享,仅供个人学习、交流、欣赏使用,版权归属原作者所有,如有侵犯到您的权益,请联系我们,我们会及时处理。


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