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Celtic Woman[凯尔特女人组合_the wexford carol歌词 the wexford carolLRC歌词

歌手:Celtic Woman[凯尔特女人组合 专辑:《For You》 作词: 发行时间:
Loreena McKennitt - The Wexford Carol
Traditional Irish, arranged by Loreena McKennitt
Good people all, this Christmas-time,
Consider well and bear in mind
What our good God for us has done
In sending his beloved Son.
With Mary holy we should pray
To God with love this Christmas day;
In Bethlehem upon that morn
There was a blessed Messiah born.
The night before that happy tide
The noble Virgin and her guide
Were long time seeking up and down
To find a lodging in the town.
But mark how all things came to pass;
From every door repelled alas!
As long foretold, their refuge all
Was but an humble oxs stall.
There were three wise men from afar
Directed by a glorious star,
And on they wandered night and day
Until they came where Jesus lay,
And when they came unto that place
Where our beloved Messiah was,
They humbly cast them at his feet,
With gifts of gold and incense sweet.
Near Bethlehem did shepherds keep
Their flocks of lambs and feeding sheep;
To whom Gods angels did appear,
Which put the shepherds in great fear.
Prepare and go, the angels said.
To Bethlehem, be not afraid:
For there youll find, this happy morn,
A princely babe, sweet Jesus born.
With thankful heart and joyful mind,
The shepherds went the babe to find.
And as Gods angel had foretold,
They did our saviour Christ behold.
Within a manger he was laid,
And by his side the virgin maid,
Attending on the Lord of life,
Who came on earth to end all strife.
[ti:The Wexford Carol]\r
[ar:Loreena McKennitt]\r
[al:To Drive The Cold Winter Away]\r
[00:00.00]Loreena McKennitt - The Wexford Carol\r
[00:24.87]Traditional Irish, arranged by Loreena McKennitt\r
[00:28.87]Good people all, this Christmas-time,\r
[00:36.29]Consider well and bear in mind\r
[00:44.77]What our good God for us has done\r
[00:52.26]In sending his beloved Son.\r
[01:00.03]With Mary holy we should pray\r
[01:07.07]To God with love this Christmas day;\r
[01:14.56]In Bethlehem upon that morn\r
[01:21.97]There was a blessed Messiah born.\r
[01:32.30]The night before that happy tide\r
[01:38.72]The noble Virgin and her guide\r
[01:45.13]Were long time seeking up and down\r
[01:52.08]To find a lodging in the town.\r
[02:00.18]But mark how all things came to pass;\r
[02:07.23]From every door repelled alas!\r
[02:14.66]As long foretold, their refuge all\r
[02:21.88]Was but an humble oxs stall.\r
[02:31.44]There were three wise men from afar\r
[02:38.33]Directed by a glorious star,\r
[02:45.30]And on they wandered night and day\r
[02:51.98]Until they came where Jesus lay,\r
[03:00.20]And when they came unto that place\r
[03:07.02]Where our beloved Messiah was,\r
[03:15.39]They humbly cast them at his feet,\r
[03:22.72]With gifts of gold and incense sweet.\r
[03:32.49]Near Bethlehem did shepherds keep\r
[03:38.55]Their flocks of lambs and feeding sheep;\r
[03:44.45]To whom Gods angels did appear,\r
[03:50.79]Which put the shepherds in great fear.\r
[03:58.08]Prepare and go, the angels said.\r
[04:04.89]To Bethlehem, be not afraid:\r
[04:12.42]For there youll find, this happy morn,\r
[04:18.71]A princely babe, sweet Jesus born.\r
[04:28.50]With thankful heart and joyful mind,\r
[04:35.42]The shepherds went the babe to find.\r
[04:42.96]And as Gods angel had foretold,\r
[04:49.72]They did our saviour Christ behold.\r
[04:57.97]Within a manger he was laid,\r
[05:05.28]And by his side the virgin maid,\r
[05:13.85]Attending on the Lord of life,\r
[05:21.13]Who came on earth to end all strife.\r

本文标题:Celtic Woman[凯尔特女人组合_the wexford carol歌词 the wexford carolLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/220847.html

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    离别的秋天E调指法,完成。离别的秋天在我们的眼里是一件非常有趣的事,他也是一个我们的人生转折点,他给了我们很多的幸福,他给我们的东西,让我们快乐,我们慢慢长大,越来越懂事,在我们的一生中,会遇到很多很多的人,他们都给我们带来了很多的惊喜,让我们无比期待。因为他们是我们一生中最长情的存在,这首歌曲是陈楚生的歌曲,该曲是一首比较流行的歌曲,歌曲与校园民谣有关,从音乐教学,民谣歌曲编曲到流行歌曲的编排,张楚生的非常经典,都是非常经典的一首歌,张楚生嗓音沧桑而深情,唱出了一个人的悲伤,张楚生离死别,没有华丽...。在听过了这么多年以后,真的就是忘了,毕业的这首歌就会让我们就忘记了。除了之,,只记得了就只剩下了_也就忘了,那时候要好好的那就是最早忘了,只是重逢春。听过了,一去看看了!,重要的吧。听说,只是,是不是?好像电影,还.........,歌词欣赏:忘了时间 忘了昨天 爱与恨不再重演,离别的天 灰色的蓝 承载着我的旧梦,挥别的手 再多温

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