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Mister Karma 2010_Karma 2010 Big Love歌词 Karma 2010 Big LoveLRC歌词

歌手:Mister Karma 2010 专辑:《》 作词: 发行时间:
She's the top,
She's got the world on a string.
She makes me boogie,
Makes me do anything yea yea.
Hey now,
Touch the sky,
You've got a certain kind of look in your eyes.
Well, she's a miracle,
She's all that I need
Like the water and the air that i breathe yea yea.
Hey now,
Reach the sky,
There's a certain kind of look in your smile.
And I know what love can do.
Yes I know what hearts can do.
The big love
Is taking the wheel,
The big love
Goes head over heels,
The big lust,
Bring it into the small world,
The bigger, the better.
Big love,
Waiting to catch the big one,
Head over heels,
The big one,
Bring it into the small world.
I'm building the big big love,
I'm building the big big love.
It's kinda strange,
A bit mysterious,
[ti:the big l]
[00:15.50]She's the top,
[00:16.50]She's got the world on a string.
[00:18.50]She makes me boogie,
[00:19.50]Makes me do anything yea yea.
[00:22.50]Hey now,
[00:23.50]Touch the sky,
[00:25.50]You've got a certain kind of look in your eyes.
[00:28.50]Well, she's a miracle,
[00:30.50]She's all that I need
[00:32.50]Like the water and the air that i breathe yea yea.
[00:35.50]Hey now,
[00:37.50]Reach the sky,
[00:39.50]There's a certain kind of look in your smile.
[00:41.50]And I know what love can do.
[00:45.50]Yes I know what hearts can do.
[00:50.50]The big love
[00:52.50]Is taking the wheel,
[00:53.50]The big love
[00:55.50]Goes head over heels,
[00:56.50]The big lust,
[00:59.50]Bring it into the small world,
[01:02.50]The bigger, the better.
[01:03.50]Big love,
[01:05.50]Waiting to catch the big one,
[01:09.50]Head over heels,
[01:10.50]The big one,
[01:12.50]Bring it into the small world.
[01:15.50]I'm building the big big love,
[01:22.50]I'm building the big big love.
[01:31.50]It's kinda strange,
[01:32.50]A bit mysterious,
[01:34.50]I gotta take it oh so so serious.
[01:38.50]Hey now,
[01:39.50]Touch the sky,
[01:41.50]You've got a certain kind of look in your eyes.
[01:44.50]It used to be so hard,
[01:46.50]So lonely at night,
[01:48.50]Well, she's my baby and I'm feeling alright.
[01:51.50]Hey now,
[01:53.50]Move the sky,
[01:54.50]There's a certain kind of look in that smile.
[01:57.50]When I'm making love with her.
[02:01.50]When I'm making love to her yea.
[02:05.50]The big love
[02:08.50]Is taking the wheel,
[02:09.50]The big love
[02:11.50]Goes head over heels,
[02:12.50]The big lust,
[02:14.50]Bring it into the small world,
[02:18.50]The bigger, the better.
[02:20.50]Big love,
[02:22.50]Waiting to catch the big one,
[02:24.50]Head over heels,
[02:26.50]The big one,
[02:28.50]Bring it into the small world.
[02:31.50]I'm building the big big love,
[02:38.50]I'm building the big big love.
[02:55.50]It has to be a big thing.
[02:58.50]It's bringing me to my knees.
[03:02.50]Has to be a big thing, big thing,
[03:05.50]Ya know what I'm saying...
[03:09.50]The big love
[03:10.50]Is taking the wheel,
[03:11.50]The big love
[03:14.50]Goes head over heels,
[03:15.50]The big lust,
[03:17.50]Bring it into the small world,
[03:20.50]The bigger, the better.
[03:22.50]Big love,
[03:24.50]Waiting to catch the big one,
[03:27.50]Head over heels,
[03:28.50]The big one,
[03:30.50]Bring it into the small world.
[03:34.50]I'm building the big big love,
[03:40.50]I'm building the big big love.
[03:46.50]Big love.
[03:48.50]Big love.
[04:02.50]Big love.
[04:06.50]Big love.
[04:09.50]Big love.

本文标题:Mister Karma 2010_Karma 2010 Big Love歌词 Karma 2010 Big LoveLRC歌词 网址:https://www.265e.com/geci/54****.html

《Mister Karma 2010_Karma 2010 Big Love歌词 Karma 2010 Big LoveLRC歌词》相关曲谱及歌词来源于互联网或网友上传分享,仅供个人学习、交流、欣赏使用,版权归属原作者所有,如有侵犯到您的权益,请联系我们,我们会及时处理。


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